The Weird Things Podcast Archive

Podcast: The Unicorn Deception

Tuesday, October 26th, 2010

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Andrew uses the unicorn deception to trick Brian and Justin into accompanying him on the adventure of a lifetime where Yeti’s and Bears engage in mortal combat.

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Brought to you by these fine folks:

And The Ghost Vision Viewer available on the Apple App Store

Pilot Mystery
Yeti vs. Bear






Podcast: Rogue Robot Division

Thursday, October 14th, 2010

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The trio announce their plans to start their own rogue robot SWAT team. Brian describes how to break earth-shattering news to the world and totally not have people think you’re a crackpot. Comrade Justin cheers on the military prowess of America’s rivals.

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This episode brought to you by:

Bill Meeks @billmeeks
Joel Pickard designer & illustrator
Vincent 404 @vincent404

Weird Things book club picks:

Justin’s pick: The Walking Dead Compendium

Andrew’s pick: Star Trek VI

Brian’s pick: The Luck Factor


UFO over Mongolian airport
Space and aeronautics historian James Oberg

Podcast: Father of the Year

Monday, October 4th, 2010

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Brian gives sensible, rational parenting advice totally forgetting what podcast he’s on.

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Something is in the walls
Travis Lake photograph
Underwater Antarctic super-villain team up


Podcast: Cocaine Fueled Zombie Hysteria

Thursday, September 23rd, 2010

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Andrew tells the story of his father’s encounter with a mermaid. No really. Well, kind of sort of. President Bri and team plan to rob a third world country of its national treasures.

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Podcast: Exotic meats

Sunday, August 22nd, 2010

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The trio discuss how polite you should be at a dinner part that goes horrifically awry. They then offer some practical advice in dealing with an impending mole people invasion.

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Podcast: Gay for science

Friday, July 30th, 2010

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Kidnapped by scientists who dress like Nazis, but aren’t actually Nazis, the trio is pushed to try a radical new procedure that would make them temporarily gay. With the life of a young child on the line, they have to confront their own concept of sexuality and identity and make a potentially life changing choice and end up offending just about everyone. Then it gets kind of boring, but there’s a twist ending and a guy with mutant feet.

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Podcast: Dawkins sees a Double Rainbow

Friday, July 23rd, 2010

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Special guest Dr. Karen Stollznow helps the gang plan a heist for a sacred Yeti paw. Brian and Justin get enormous glee from watching Andrew get corrected. The ethics of eating canned whale meat is debated. We also find out how ready and willing we are to be corrupted by the dark side.

Then a super secret plan (shhhh!) is hatched to get prominent skeptics tripped out on psychoactives so we can see what happens when they have their own double rainbow experience.

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Dr. Karen Stollznow’s website


Podcast: Alien Prison Riot

Thursday, July 15th, 2010

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Andrew, Brian and Justin lay out their brilliant plan for escaping the evil clutches of alien overlords. They then realize how easily a famous psychological experiment could have gone horribly wrong if the three of them had been selected. Brian also shares with the audience his disturbing camouflage technique. Plans for a mission to an Indian massacre are discussed.

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Podcast: Zos Braining Zos

Tuesday, July 6th, 2010

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Justin Robert Young recounts his harrowing ordeal in the Forest with a Million Eyes. Brian, Andrew and Justin then step into the treacherous mental playground of a loyal listener and reveal their most deep-seated primal motivations when they are faced with surviving in a post-Zombie Apocalypse. One of them will become a ravenous fiend roving the ruins of civilization in search of fresh brains. Another will unleash his inner amoral self and cackle in delight as the world burns and search out female survivors to indulge his earthly desires. The final member of the trio will rise above tragedy and seek out vengeance for the horrific fate the befell is family and adopt a heroic new identity, and another, and another.

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Podcast: Destroyer of Worlds

Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

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Find out which of the three used to wear a Spider-Man costume under his clothes and which ones just wore ladies underwear. Listen to them describe their plans to capture a sea beast, fight alligators and find proof of Son of Hogzilla. Also, it becomes painfully obvious that when Justin, Brian and Andrew are a dying alien civilization’s last chance for survival, it’s better to die screaming in the night then hope to see another tomorrow.

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Podcast: Super-Awesome Juice

Monday, May 17th, 2010

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The crew invents a new form of inter-species prejudice, declares their willingness to do stupid things in the name of science and then goes metaphysical.

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Podcast: Genocidal omnivores

Friday, March 26th, 2010

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The brain trust make their case for ambivalence towards eating whales, primates and genocide in general.

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Podcast: The Apocalypse Will Be Clothing Optional

Wednesday, February 24th, 2010

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Andrew, Brian and Justin answer some listener scenarios. After revealing Brian’s deep-seated desire that the world go pantless post apocalypse, we find out how shockingly willing Brian is to switch teams and genders without actually being asked to do so. We explore the practical problems of someone who looks like Justin claiming to have a magical genii and find out about his experience in the wild frontier of Chat Roulette where he is accorded the dignity and respect he deserves for going there in the first place. We also talk about our admiration for men in leather and sometimes no leather at all wrestling and trying to kill each other.

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Podcast: Monkey Man Begins

Thursday, February 11th, 2010

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The trio determines what would force them to become vigilantes. Andrew describes his frightening superhero creation that involves deranged circus animals and human dismemberment. Brian tries to retcon the creation in a most horrific way.

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Podcast: Redneck Fireworks Massacre

Tuesday, January 26th, 2010

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We explore the ethical implications of covering up your horrific crimes with science and have probably the most boring ideas about utopia ever. We then discuss our worst disaster scenarios. Finally we give unsolicited book and movie recommendations.

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Podcast: Attack of the Sexy Clones

Sunday, December 27th, 2009

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A tangent becomes a tangent when the hosts try to stretch their feeble minds around the global warming, the energy crisis and the singularity (again) after discussing clone sex.

Link: Craig Venter at TED on creating synthetic life
Link: Venter and Exxon enter partnership for biofuels
Link: Synthetic Genomics web site

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