Ancient Underwater Pyramid Discovered Off the Coast of Portugal!

Posted by on September 26th, 2013

For quite a while archaeologists have suspected that people inhabited Portugal long before people claimed to have first inhabited Portugal. Within the last three years, researchers have discovered small rock pyramids on a small island called Pico as well as cave paintings and tons of new artifacts believed to possibly be several thousand years old on the nearby island of Terceira.

Now reports are buzzing the news feeds about a find that could validate the theory that people settled in the area long before historians imagined…

The owner of a private yacht out for a spin around the islands picked up something on his GPS instrumentation.

That something appears to be a perfectly shaped pyramid approximately 200 feet tall.

Researchers and archaeology experts are descending on the area in hopes of learning more about the discovery.

We’re secretly hoping they find underwater versions of everything from Stargate or Mermummies or…something else just as awesome.

[Portuguese American Journal]

Weird Things Podcast Recording Live

Posted by on September 23rd, 2013
Watch live video from scamschoolbrian on

Knights Fighting Becoming Next Extreme Sport!

Posted by on September 23rd, 2013

The PLWR (Polska Liga Walk Rycerskich or the Polish League of Knights Fighting) is a federation of guys who dress up in period costume and unleash their inner-medieval-ish-ness on their opponents with some unsettling ferocity…unsettling how you immediately want to see more of this craziness.

Watch that promo video above, kids. This isn’t some cheesy dinner theater show where everyone acts like tweens faking a sword fight they saw in some B-grade action flick. This also isn’t a bunch of LARPing SCA-types out for a weekend in the woods with weapons so padded it looks like a pillow fight from Deliverance.

Coordinated by the Polish Association of Knights Fighting (who knew), the event is beginning to gain traction as social media begins spreading word that there are a bunch of guys who’ve cultivated this into an organized sporting event that’s quickly spreading.

After perusing the comments on the above video, we learned that knights knocking the chainmail off of one another has already gained a foothold right here in America with Battle of the Nations’ Team USA (see the video below). They even a list where local events are happening if you want to be an early adopter.

First rule of knight fighting? Tell EVERYONE there’s a sport where knights are fighting!

[Polish League of Knights Fighting YouTube]

Demon Slayer Trio Heads to Europe to Destroy Evil!

Posted by on September 9th, 2013

They’re bAAAAaaaaack!

The demon-slaying trio of “slaydies” we posted about from Arizona are back. And THIS time? They’re heading overseas to the what they’re saying is the nesting place of nasty, pagan demons…the UK.

Led by their fearless pastor father, these girls are about to keep themselves in prime fighting condition by doin’ some exorcisin’ in the heart of paganville and the home of evil incarnate…Harry Potter and his wizard-breeding mother-figure JK Rowling.

Many, as the media buzz around these poster girls continues to skyrocket, believe that their father is the one driving this group of do-gooders in order to help sales of his merchandise including his ‘Crosses of Deliverance”.

One of the girls explains their mission:

‘It has been centuries in the making, but I believe it came to a pinnacle with the Harry Potter books. The spells you are reading about are not made up. They are real and come from witchcraft.’

Brace yourself, Europe. These ladies are gunnin’ for your precious Harry Potter and we can’t wait to see the battle scenes that the Internet creates.

That’d be your cue, Internet.

[DailyMail UK]

U.S. Leads Applicants in One-Way Ticket To Mars!

Posted by on September 9th, 2013

The totals are in for all the people who are ready to get off this rock and get to colonizing Mars.

Mars-One, the program that’s planning on getting people to Mars to begin the colonization process in the very near future, have tallied the applications for the first round of potential astronauts/colonists.

Leading the pack in applicants? The United States with 47,654 applications. That’s either a testament to the entrepreneurial spirit of the country or a big gauge that people are just overworked and ready for a change of pace even if it means jettisoning themselves into space with no return ticket.

Mars-One will gradually whittle the applicants down to a very small few over the course of the next several years ultimately arriving at a small group of brave, or possibly crazy, individuals who will be shot out to Mars to put down humankind’s first ‘burbs on another world in 2023.

Here’s where the world stood on the applicant roster:

Top 21 countries registered:

United States of America 47,654
India 20,747
China 13,176
Brazil 10,289
Great Britain 8497
Canada 8241
Russia 8197
Mexico 7464
Philippines 4365
Spain 3722
Colombia 3476
Argentina 3474
Australia 2926
France 2538
Turkey 2510
Chile 2475
Ukraine 2340
Peru 2293
Germany 2225
Italy 2070
Poland 1942


Being Buried in a Bacon Coffin is a Thing Now!

Posted by on August 25th, 2013

How much do you love bacon? Enough to be eternally wrapped inside of a bacon coffin that smells like bacon?

Well if you want to really tweak friends and family out when you leave or just make people shake their heads at you one last time you can purchase a coffin with a bacon paint job. The crew over at the ‘Everything Should Taste Like Bacon’ blog have created just that and you can snag one from their site for about $3000.

“This genuine bacon casket is made of 18 Gauge Gasketed Steel with Premium Bacon Exterior/Interior, and includes a Memorial and Record Tube, Adjustable Bed and Mattress and Stationary and Swingbar handles. It also includes a bacon air freshener for when you get that buried-underground, not-so-fresh feeling. “

You might want to toss in a little extra for multiple air fresheners.

[Everything Should Taste Like Bacon]

Surgical Procedure To Give You a Perma-Smile – Just Like Batman’s Nemesis

Posted by on August 25th, 2013

For anyone cosplaying the Joker at DragonCon, you can take it to a whole new level and show just how dedicated you are.

You can now head over to Korea, the world’s WalMart of plastic surgery, and get that frowny, upside-down face surgically fixed into a smiling, confident, sun-shiny one.

Known as a Smile Lipt, this surgery pulls your mouth corners up into a smile instead of down like the old curmudgeon you are inside. All you need to do is make an appointment and shell out about $2000.

What’s unsettling about the surgery isn’t the procedure or that it’s sad that a pretend smile in Korea will knock you back two grand. What’s unsettling is the number of young Koreans getting the procedure done so they’re found more attractive for prospective mates.

And if you have a perma-frown? You might want to think twice about having this because at the end of the video the narrator lets you know about the possible side effects which includes the smile being over-corrected…just like a pasty, green-haired villain we all know and love.

In the last couple of weeks this surgery has been getting some attention from the media but the procedure actually dates back several decades so this isn’t something new…it’s just popped in the mainstream’s feed.

One thing’s for certain though…you’re going to have to get the word ‘mouthcorners’ surgically removed from your brain after watching this video.

[ABC News Univision]

You can watch one of their satisfied clients leave their surgery below:

Jump! Jump! Grasshopper Rocket Stretches Its Legs in Latest Test

Posted by on August 17th, 2013

SpaceX keeps coaxing their Grasshopper rockets into longer jumps as they continue to develop their reusable rocket program.

In the latest test, shown in this video, SpaceX’s Grasshopper rocket takes another leap into the history books by making a longer jump away from and safe return to the dead center of its launch pad. Seriously. Watch it!

For those who’d like to know why all the space nerds and getting so excited? Think of the two little rockets attached to the giant fuel tank that the shuttle would piggyback on. Two minutes into the flight they detach, deploy multiple parachutes and land about 150 miles off the coast where a small army of a recovery crew retrieves the boosters, using two specially designed boats. During this whole process motors inside the boosters are used to basically blow-dry the interiors from all the ocean they gulped during their time at sea. Turnaround time is a long process.

Along comes Elon Musk with the idea of a booster that’s like a homing pigeon. It goes up, does its job and then instead of helplessly landing in the middle of the ocean like Bambi on an ice pond, it flies itself back home, landing on its own little pad like a puppy playing frisbee and waiting for the next throw.

The Grasshopper eliminates a lot of space taken up in an old-school booster for chute deployment systems, allows for quicker turnaround time and stops about a hundred people from having to towel off a couple of giant booster rockets.

SpaceX is getting closer to their first take-off/recovery ‘landing’ where they’ll be substituting the ocean for dry land to see how the Grasshopper returns back to the ‘ground’. Once those tests are completed, it won’t be long before the Grasshopper does what Musk hopes it’ll do…

Move us into space faster and more frequently than ever before.


Government Discloses Area 51 is a Real Place – Causes Global Facepalm

Posted by on August 16th, 2013

Everyone! Stop EVERYTHING! Right NOW!

Our government, who is always up front on just about every issue you can think of, has just pulled the tablecloth from under our dinners by announcing that some place called Area 51 exists in the Nevada desert!

Beside the eardrum-bursting sound of millions of people facepalming all at once there’s nothing but the sound of crickets and a whole lot of blank stares followed by just as many shrugs as everyone returns to doing whatever the hell they were doing before this announcement hit the wire.

Sure it’s a ridiculous admittance of a place that most people who enjoy weird things hold near and dear to their little, strange hearts. No one’s really sure why it’s happening at this moment. Many of the UFO conspiracy theorists are already beating their chests that they moved the government to take this step because of the big UFO forum that took place in Washington, DC in early spring of this year.

Others are already speculating that the government is prepping us for some kind of announcement that the alleged extraterrestrials often associated with Area 51 are already living among us.

Right now everyone worth their salt in the conspiracy theory and UFO communities are poring over every word in the 407 page document (you can find the links right here) that’s been released and is basically the origin story of the infamously mysterious test site.

Today’s a great day in government transparency!

Who knew there was even a place mysteriously called Area 51?

[The Atlantic Wire]

Sasquatch Sightings in British Columbia!

Posted by on August 11th, 2013

Recently a company called Legend Tracker, that’s created an augmented reality adventure application, put out a call for video submissions to anyone who had footage of what they thought might be everyone’s favorite, but annoyingly elusive, cryptid…Bigfoot.

They’ve done this before…but this time, after sifting through hundreds of submissions, two crazy videos have come out on top.

The first video is from a couple hiking in the area of Mission, British Columbia. While shooting some scenery, they noticed something moving on a hilltop nearby. Is it bigfoot, Rob Zombie on a nature walk or just a feral Kardashian?

That first video is your typical “I spotted Bigfoot!” video…however…the video below, shot by a group of tourists, is probably the weirdest video of an alleged sasquatch because we’re not sure what’s going on in it.

It was sent in as a submission for Bigfoot footage but it looks more like someone’s drunk, hairy, mountain-man uncle who just dropped his moonshine jug or possibly Chaka from the original Land of the Lost. At the end of the video the alleged bigfoot appears to threaten or make a move toward the tourist because everyone starts running around like frightened Muppets. This video was also shot in the Mission, British Columbia area.

[Metro Co UK]

Mysterious Priest Appears at Car Crash – Mysteriously Disappears After Rescue

Posted by on August 11th, 2013

USA Today has posted a story about a mysterious priest who appeared at the site of a car crash where firefighters were having a difficult time removing a girl from the wreckage.

After the priest told firefighters not to worry and that she’d be okay, the girl was freed from her twisted vehicle. Multiple witnesses reported seeing and even speaking with the priest…then they all reported that he seemed to just vanish.

Those involved in the story, including the news crew are continuing to search for the priest so that they can thank him for…uh…being a creepy rubbernecker?

Let’s just hope it’s not Preacher Kane…

[USA Today]

Three Girls Form Exorcism Team to Fight Satan!

Posted by on July 31st, 2013

Three girls have assembled into a team of exorcists led by the father of one of the girls. It’s Charlie’s Angels meets Buffy the Vampire Slayer meets the Exorcist.

Well…there’s that…click play.


Ghost Floats Tea Bags in English Store!

Posted by on July 28th, 2013

Security cameras in a small store in Whitestable, England has captured something interesting on video. We’re not here to judge (okay…maybe we are on certain occasions).

The video hit YouTube and began getting views…but after Fox News put the video in their feed it went viral and has been dubbed ‘The Ghost of Earl Grey’ because it’s floating tea…way to go for the easy joke, internet.

Here’s the video. Now it’s in YOUR hands….

Ghost or the guys behind THIS iconic moment (skip to 1:18 in the video)…

[Daily Mail]

Spike TV Offers Ten Million Dollars For Bigfoot!

Posted by on July 26th, 2013

SpikeTV has announced that they are offering $10,000,000 for Bigfoot.

The channel that’s usually running background noise in every COPS episode has tagged Bigfoot as the target of a new reality show centered around the elusive cryptid’s capture.

Hosted by Dean Cain, “Ten Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty” show’s premise consists of sending nine teams of cryptid hunters into the wild to go “squatchin'” in the Pacific Northwest, an area often considered a hotbed of alleged sasquatch activity. While ten million dollars seems like a lot of money, Lloyd’s of London is the outfit putting up the money and they seem to be pretty confident that they’re going to be keeping those ten million bucks.

The show is about to begin shooting and will air on the SpikeTV network some time in January of 2014.


UFOs Hovering Over Russia? Or Something Else?

Posted by on July 22nd, 2013

What is going on in this video? Are these UFOs just meeting up like cops in cars often do ala window-to-window and talk about stuff like how they need to mutilate at least a few cows on the way home? Is this, like some of the comments on the video suggest, some kind of advanced helicopters parked in the sky like high schoolers after a football game? What is going on with these lights in the sky over Russia?

Originally you could’ve tossed this off as a single triangle-shaped experimental plane or flares from a jet. But check the video at about 1:35 into the video. Also check the video at about the 6:12 mark. Did a cheap light bulb burn out on some mysterious government aircraft?

We’ll leave all the speculation in your hands because we’re really not sure what we’re looking at.

[Who Forted?]

Corpse Flower About to Bloom – Watch it LIVE!

Posted by on July 21st, 2013

Commonly referred to as ‘The Corpse Flower’ or ‘Stinky Plant’, a Titan Arum is about to bloom at the United States Botanic Conservatory and you can watch it bloom via streaming video.

The Corpse Flower doesn’t have a regular blooming cycle but the impending bloom can be seen in changes in the plant itself. When it does finally bloom it’s only for 24-48 hours and that’s when you fully understand where this bizarre, Day of the Triffids-looking thing gets its name.

Once the plant blooms it, unlike other plants which smell pretty, gives off the smell of rotting flesh. Not only that, the plant generates its own heat which cause the smell to linger and reach further into the surrounding area so that it can attract pollinating creatures like dung beetles. The more it reeks, the more its chances of survival.

Now you can watch via video both the amazing blooming of this sci-fi-looking thing and you can smirk at all the people smelling it and plugging their noses as they cruise by.

[United States Botanic Garden]