Does your city have a secret subway system beneath your feet?

Posted by on April 12th, 2008


Cincinnati does.

A journey to the center of the earth (beneath Cincinnati)
The official story from the man
Flickr photos

Disney UFO?

Posted by on April 12th, 2008

Flickr member meshmar2 took this interesting photo of what would appear to be an unidentified flying object at Walt Disney World’s Epcot….until he went ahead and identified it for us (thanks killjoy!). Link

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Is this the face of the man who killed Bigfoot?

Posted by on April 12th, 2008

DanielBooneAmerican hero, frontiersman and all around awesome cultural icon Daniel Boone liked to tell tall tales. One of his tallest was his claim that he once shot and killed a 10 foot hairy creature he referred to as a “yahoo”. Skeptical Inquirer thinks that he may have been lifting a little from Gulliver’s Travels. Link We think they’ve never fought in the revolutionary war.

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Know your Yowies

Posted by on April 12th, 2008

yowieIn a modern context, Yowie is the generic (and somewhat affectionate) term for the unidentified hominid reputed to lurk in the Australian wilderness. It is an Australian cryptid similar to the Himalayan Yeti and the North American Bigfoot.

Rather confusingly, Yowie (or “Yowie-Whowie”) is also the name of a completely different mythological character in native Australian Aboriginal folklore. This version of the Yowie is said to be a bizarre, hybrid beast resembling a cross between a human and an ape with big red eyes on the side of his head, big canine teeth and large fangs. It emerges from the ground at night to eat whatever it can find, including humans. This creature’s characteristics and legend are sometimes interchangeable with those of the bunyip.
Read more on Wikipedia

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One man’s personal Cloverfield

Posted by on April 12th, 2008

My own private Cloverfield from Andrew Mayne on Vimeo.

Gnome terror!

Posted by on April 11th, 2008