After Things: Hyperloopy

Posted by on March 4th, 2015
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After Things is the official after show of Weird Things Podcast.
RIP Leonard Nimoy. Cred amongst “geek” and other subcultures. Forecast of the hyperloop and other public transportation tech.
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Episode: Monster Meat

Posted by on March 1st, 2015
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Spiro and The Fudge are back to investigate a mysterious death. When an owl attack isn’t the strangest part of the story. Mysterious glowing over New Mexico.

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Andrew: Makers: The New Industrial Revolution

Brian: Your Deceptive Mind: A Scientific Guide to Critical Thinking Skills

Justin: Daily Tech News Show

After Things: The Value of Free

Posted by on February 25th, 2015
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After Things is the official after show of Weird Things Podcast.
Approaching and choosing new projects wisely. Andrew shares a book pick on the ingenuity of free elements and a discussion of free and freemium.
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Podcast: Apes of Mars

Posted by on February 22nd, 2015
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A conflux of weird as Andrew visits a lava tube here on Earth. The boys also talk about that strange plume on Mars and a galactic visitor we had 70,000 years ago.

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Andrew: Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World

Brian: Your Deceptive Mind: A Scientific Guide to Critical Thinking Skills

Justin: Better Call Saul

After Things: Non-trepreneur

Posted by on February 18th, 2015
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After Things is the official after show of Weird Things Podcast.
This week: “Following your dreams” sounds nice, but is it easy? The introduction of the “non-trepreneur.”
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Podcast: Punch Drunk

Posted by on February 15th, 2015
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How do our memories change over time? The boys come up with advice to make a name for Larry Paige. A message from a cultural icon from beyond the grave.

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Andrew: Print the Legend and Tinkercad

Brian: Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World

Justin: Better Call Saul

After Things: Archnemesis

Posted by on February 11th, 2015
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After Things is the official after show of Weird Things Podcast.
This week: The boys talk to Chris Taylor about the writing process and his volunteer work at 826 Valencia. Brian’s use of a rival to motivate his own betterment.
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Podcast: How Chris Taylor Conquered Star Wars

Posted by on February 8th, 2015
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This week, Chris Taylor, author of “How Star Wars Conquered The Universe,” joins the boys to talk the past, present, and future of Star Wars, Lucas, and more!
Follow Chris Taylor on Twitter @FutureBoy and find his book “How Star Wars Conquered The Universe” at

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Andrew: How Star Wars Conquered The Universe

Brian: How Star Wars Conquered The Universe

Justin: How Star Wars Conquered The Universe

Chris: The Secret History of Star Wars

After Things: The Right Audience

Posted by on February 4th, 2015
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After Things is the official after show of Weird Things Podcast.
This week: Andrew and Brian talk about the appeal of the Super Bowl, the strengths of email lists, and how NOT to ask for a million dollars.
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Podcast: Generation Awesome

Posted by on February 1st, 2015
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A menace to society rears its head in the form of a 9 year old. A shark attack you won’t believe.
An IPO that will make you and everyone you know filthy rich!

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Andrew: Skyfall

Brian: The Player of Games (Culture)

Justin: Hearthstone

After Things: Our Now Will Look Like History

Posted by on January 27th, 2015
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After Things is the official after show of Weird Things Podcast.
This week: Andrew and Brian ask, “what is After Things?” Making the tradition from old media to new. Transitioning business models to more efficient, democratic
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Google’s ATLAS Robot About to be Unleashed – Mankind Should Probably Start Worrying

Posted by on January 26th, 2015

In 2013 Boston Dynamics introduced its ATLAS robot to the public. It was a little creepy because the thing walked around sort of like a child learning to walk around…

Like this…

The only thing making us all feel relatively safe from the narrowing uncanny valley of movement that the robot was able to mimic was that the thing was tethered to a thick umbilical cord of necessary cables that provided electricity and signals.

It also kept the thing safely chained in a lab.

That’s changing…

The cord is about to be cut in an upcoming robot competition to help ATLAS become a completely free-range robot.

Like this…

While we’re excited that ATLAS will be used as a rescue robot in environments too deadly for our soft, fleshy bags of bones to enter and rescue humans…we know it’s only a matter of time before things go awry…

Like this…


Podcast: Martian Canyons

Posted by on January 26th, 2015
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Should we believe the Hololens? Is Augmented Reality here? Space Camp is back and better than ever. Prep for Mars in style.

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Andrew: Unbroken

Brian: Man in the High Castle

Justin: We Have Concerns

Opportunity Rover Celebrates 11 Years on Mars

Posted by on January 25th, 2015

What was supposed to be a hopeful three month mission has quietly stretched into an unbelievable journey.

Opportunity bounced onto Mars back in 2004. During that time the little rover has traveled twenty six miles and transmitted a lot of data back to help us understand the ancient history of that planet and it’s make up.

The video above will let you relive the excitement of the crew that put “Oppy” up there and you’ll probably smile and hi-five your nearest coworker when you those first transmitted photos, from Oppy’s eyes to ours, pop up on the screen.

It’s a pretty awesome moment in the history of space exploration.


Nightmare Shark Caught Off Coast of Australia – Has Been Terrifying World for 80 Million Years

Posted by on January 24th, 2015

That nightmarish thing in the photo above isn’t a screen-used graboid prop from Tremors.


That’s an actual creature that lives in our oceans…you know…that giant mass of water that you swim in when you vacation?

Caught off the coast of Australia by a fishing trawler, that thing is a six-foot long monster known as a frilled shark.

Frilled sharks haven’t evolved in almost 80 million years simply because a nightmare is always going to be a nightmare. On very rare occasions frilled sharks are found close to the surface because they’re dying. “Close to the surface” is around 4,000 feet below the surface.

Simon Boag of the trawling company that caught the creature:

“It does look 80 million years old. It looks prehistoric. It looks like it’s from another time! It has 300 teeth over 25 rows, so once you’re in that mouth, you’re not coming out.”

According to a marine conservation society in California there is a report of a frilled shark from 1880 measuring in at 25 feet.

Next time you go splashing around in the ocean for fun just remember…

These live there.


Government Releases 130,000 UFO Files to Public – Aliens Chuckle Because We Still Know Nothing

Posted by on January 24th, 2015

Lots of ufologists, saucer-chasers and hunters of little green men became super-excited recently. John Greenewald of the and his continuous efforts to petition the government via the Freedom of Information Act to release Project Blue Book’s files concerning strange things in the sky paid off in spades as thousands of documents were given to the world.

Greenewald has put all of those reports in The Project Blue Book Collection, an archive on his site where you can sift through all of the files from the infamous UFO project created by the government decades ago.

That excitement was short-lived when those same ufologists, saucer-chasers and hunters of little green men realized that all the secrets they’d been waiting for just aren’t there.

According to a lot of online chatter in the extremely chatty community of extraterrestrial enthusiasts, it’s all gone back to square one because of censored documents and allegedly missing reports of some of the more infamous ufo cases.

Is this just a handout to keep the noise level down on a vast, active community who believe aliens are already living among us?

Is the government holding out on deeper, more pressing secrets?

Or are we just alone on this little freaking blue marble and hoping that we’re connected somehow to something bigger than all of this?

[ABC News]