[video] Falcon Rocket Goes Boom in Epic Explosion

Posted by on January 22nd, 2015

For those that haven’t seen it or listened to the last episode of WeirdThings where we discuss what happened.

Here’s the video of the Falcon rocket going all Hollywood explosion-ish during its attempted soft landing on the autonmous barge after returning from a resupply mission to the ISS.

According to posts on Twitter by Musk, a shortage in hydraulic fluid used by the stabilizing vanes caused the rocket to land in an almost horizontal position. Once the rocket hit the deck of the barge and leftover fuel in the take ignited?


An explosion so awesome Michael Bay just hung his head in shame.

Musk responded to the event with his usual no-big-deal-shrug, a smile and let everyone know what was up via Twitter:

“Next rocket landing on drone ship in 2 to 3 weeks w way more hydraulic fluid. At least it shd explode for a diff reason.”

In two to three weeks we’re pretty sure there’ll be cigars and champagne all over SpaceX celebrating the successful landing of a completely reusable rocket.


After Things: Hurry Up and Wait

Posted by on January 21st, 2015
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After Things is the official after show of Weird Things Podcast. This week: the boys remember Erik Lanigan and talk about Brian’s long journey to Hacking The System’s premiere.
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Podcast: MuskNet

Posted by on January 18th, 2015
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SpaceX issues the most epic vine of all time. Andrew reveals a non-Mars solution for human survival off-Earth. Why you can’t play Doom on the Moon.

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Andrew: Hacking The System starting January 19 at 10/9c on NatGeo

Brian: Hacking The System Live Streaming Party January 19 at 10/9c

Justin: Hacking The System starting January 19 at 10/9c on NatGeo

Researchers Create Off-The-Shelf Cloaking Device

Posted by on January 17th, 2015

Two scientists, John Howell and Joseph Choi, of the University of Rochester have taken a couple of lenses, set them in a particular configuration and tah-dah! You can now hide your Harry Potter puppet in plain sight without anyone ever judging you for have a Harry Potter puppet in the first place.

Over the years we’ve talked about and posted several projects that’ve used elaborate and fancy technology to produce some pretty lackluster attempts at a real cloaking device.

Coined the Rochester Cloak, the layout of four lenses allows the viewer to actually look at the object from varying angles while still keeping the object completely invisible.

There are still a lot of limitations and we’re really far from throwing a blanket over our heads and walking out the front door of a house party that’s gone bad.

But then again…this discovery came about because some science-loving dad helped his son with a science project over the holidays.


Shining’s Stanley Hotel Looking for a Hedge Designer

Posted by on January 15th, 2015

The next time someone goes crazy in the Stanley Hotel and begins hunting someone with an axe in the snow, you could possibly be the level designer.

Because a kid thwarted someone suffering from cabin fever all those years ago, the folks over at the Stanley have decided to crowd-source the refurbishment of their next level hedge maze by having a competition to see who can build a better people-trap.

You’ve got until the end of this month to come up with a design so get to work….

Just don’t overdo it because, “All work and no play…”


Because the Ocean isn’t Scary Enough…Robosquid

Posted by on January 15th, 2015

Robots. We just can’t stop building them even though countless movies tell us where it’s all headed. Not only can we not stop trying to emulate ourselves mechanically, a small portion of the robotics community can’t stop trying to emulate creatures from the animal world.

One of the latest creations by a group called FORTH (Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas) is a tiny little robot trying to emulate the natural actions of octopi and squid.

The video above showcases the features and development of the robot as it goes from having bare legs to more efficient webbed legs to carrying an object in a couple of its legs (check out the little yellow ball it’s carrying) to going for a swim out among more natural life in the actual ocean.

It’s fascinating and almost relaxing to watch as it pulses through the water.

Relaxing until someone attaches tiny laser-guided torpedoes to it.

[Spectrum IEEE]

After Things: Approaching New Projects

Posted by on January 14th, 2015
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After Things is the official after show of Weird Things Podcast. This week: the guys talk about selecting and working on new projects.
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The Face on Mars

Posted by on January 12th, 2015

Podcast: Face of the Dragon

Posted by on January 11th, 2015
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Andrew has found a dragon. A recap of the SpaceX phase one landing. Failure? Success? Bit of both? Is there truly life on Mars? Evidence revealed.
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Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft


Bond 50: The Complete 23 Film Collection


The Martian – Andrew Weir

Podcast: Memory Door

Posted by on January 5th, 2015
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A dorm room wormhole creates drama for Justin. Are robots watching Scam School, can they do magic better than Brian?
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Idaho High School Catches Ghost or Possibly a Predator on Surveillance Video

Posted by on January 4th, 2015

In mid-September, surveillance cameras at Pocatello High School in Idaho caught what paranormal investigators are calling a human-looking figure wandering the halls during the winter break.

After seeing the video, you’ll probably shake your head, “Nope. Predator.”

During the video, lights repeatedly act strange and flicker on and off before the arrival of the figure. Then the figure makes its appearance outside of the men’s restroom. This knocks out the whole ghost theory.

Pocatello High School has been around since 1917. Over the years it’s been more like Sunnydale with stories of weird activity from suicide pacts to shadow figures to a mysteriously playing piano to the ghost of a drowned boy who died in the school’s pool.

Paranormal investigators were called in to look over the security footage. While excited about the footage, they can’t determine what it is. Shadow figure? Prank-playing science teacher who discovered invisibility? Predator? Sue Richards?

No one’s sure what strolls the halls of Pocatello High…but now it’s been caught on camera so let the hypotheticals begin!

Best part of the story for you long-time fans of Weird Things?

The paranormal group is called SPIRO.

[Idaho Local News 8]

Podcast: Monkey 911

Posted by on January 1st, 2015
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Nazi party goes to Hollywood? Electric shock at the train station brings an adorbs surprise? When will we know about life on Mars? Are we more likely to live on Venus. Are AI the most dominant form of life in the universe?
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Legend of Korra



Top Five


The Dobsonian Telescope

Podcast: Return on Adventure

Posted by on December 22nd, 2014
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The boys are joined by David Lang of OpenROV! He gives us guidance on our Weird Expedition.
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Legend of Korra



Team America: World Police


The Dobsonian Telescope

Podcast: Mars is for Loons

Posted by on December 14th, 2014
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An update on the Weird Things underwater expedition. Google bets they can keep a balloon up longer than you, and the future of the world may rest on them being right. Does it make sense to call ANYTHING impossible? New research methods could let you get “hands on” with space research. Seriously though, is Mars One a scam? We get an old fashioned NERD FIGHT between Brian and Andrew.
Try out the brand new PODCASTR player, featuring wireless syncing between desktop browsers and iOS devices.

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The Abyss Beyond Dreams



Go Home Santa

Say Goodbye to Lawn Gnomes and Flamingos…
You Can Now Buy Full-Size Inflatable Tanks

Posted by on December 10th, 2014

Some of you probably live in a neighborhood that’s got a small population of lawn gnomes or a colony of flamingos. The only message that those ridiculous, overdone pieces of plastic and resin are going to send your neighbors is that you’re friendly, sweet and that you’ve gone soft.

For a measly $300 you can send a message to everyone in the neighborhood and your HOA to just take a step back. For about $1200 you can have a small army and some piece and quiet.


Podcast: Off the Should of Orion

Posted by on December 8th, 2014
Skitched 20110225 175343
Recap of the Orion Launch and debate why it may be the most meaningful step to Mars in the history of mankind. The Boys discuss their under water drone expedition to the murky depths of mystery, with a big announcement to speed up the time table. Are you ready to enter a richer virtual environment than you’ve ever conceived of before?
Try out the brand new PODCASTR player, featuring wireless syncing between desktop browsers and iOS devices.

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