Mother Nature Says, “Get off my lawn!”
Humans attacked by Ants, Bees, Spiders
Sunday, October 12th, 2014
Let’s just call it quits, people.
Over the last couple of weeks, Mother Nature has decided to remind all of us who’s really in charge.
Here’s the rundown of recently terrifying yet gentle reminders from her:
Deadly Spiders vs Homeowners:
After purchasing a house from the previous owners who failed to disclose that it was actually a destination spot for the deadly brown recluse spider, the latest owners began discovering spiders everywhere until they were eventually bursting out of the walls.
A conservative estimate of 6,000 spiders were said to be lurking in the house.
[ABC News]
Ants vs Tire-Changing Human:
Then there’s THIS incident where some human needed to change a tire on the side of the road and got in the way of a bunch of ants’ business.
[CBS News]
And finally…
Bees vs Landscapers:
In Arizona several landscapers got too close to a 100 pound hive of Africanized Bees that had taken up residence in the comfy attic of a home the landscapers were working around.
[ABC News]
So…what have we learned this week?
To be terrified of basically everything around us.