Podcast: Goat Man Rises
Posted by Justin on July 26th, 2012A new hero scrambles through craggy hills of Utah, but what are his true intentions? Can we trust him? A motivational speaker convinces thousands to walk across coals leading to a wave of horrified painful screams and third degree burns. Is there are real problem or are we dealing with a rogue pack of quitters? The Mars rover is about to touch down, but what would discovery of life on Mars really mean?
Look at those cavemen go, it’s a brand new Weird Things Podcast!
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• And Then I Thought I Was A Fish
David Copperfield at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas
July 27th, 2012 at 3:16 pm
Thank you for shouting out BASEMENT BUGS! It sounded GREAT!
August 1st, 2012 at 3:39 am
“SpaceX was founded in 2002, in the midst of the excitement of the 2003 MER [Mars Exploration Rovers] missions, Spirit and Opportunity. If these rovers had been cancelled or failed to launch, would Elon Musk and his 1,800 employees, some of the nation’s best and brightest, be around today working on spacecraft and launch vehicles that could one day take us to Mars?”