Who’s Next: Is the Volcano that Buried Atlantis Reawakening?
Posted by Justin on April 25th, 2012
The volcano that, by legend, damned the civilization of Atlantis to a watery grave could be reawakening.
Investigators had installed a GPS monitoring system in the area in 2006. These sensors keep track of their location in space, and can thus shed light on when the Earth is moving.
The scientists found that by June 2011, the 22 GPS stations had been pushed 0.2 to 1.3 inches (5 to 32 millimeters) farther from the caldera than they had been just six months earlier. The researchers then improved the existing GPS stations and installed two more GPS stations, and data from September 2011 to January 2012 showed the land near the volcano was swelling at an accelerating rate, reaching 7 inches (180 mm) of growth per year.
Which Mediterranean nation should watch their back? Will they get an animated feature featuring the voice of a Michael J. Fox equivalent several hundred years from now? We will have to wait and see…
[Fox News]