The Scorpions of Venus: Russian Scientist Claims He’s Found Life on Cloudy Planet
Posted by Justin on January 23rd, 2012
New findings by a Russian scientist may in fact prove that there is life on Venus, and we aren’t talking microscopic organisms in the soil either.
But in his article, published in the magazine Solar System Research, Ksanfomaliti says the Russian photographs depict objects resembling a “disk,” a “black flap” and a “scorpion.”
“What if we forget about the current theories about the non-existence of life on Venus?” he wrote. “Let’s boldly suggest that the objects’ morphological features would allow us to say that they are living.”
Scorpions on Venus! Are they giant? Do the breath the acidic gas cloud cover that envelops the planet? What do they eat?
This is the coolest idea in the history of Mondays.
January 24th, 2012 at 1:13 am
Imagine, in just a short 10 years, we could have alien scorpions on display in the New York City Zoo… where they will inevitably break out and go on a horrific killing spree. If we are lucky, they might even leave an egg sac or something, so we can have a sequel.
January 24th, 2012 at 10:41 pm
John Carter of Mars, Ivan Kartarov of Venus.