A Compilation Of Dan Aykroyd’s Fascination With UFO Research

Posted by on September 20th, 2011

Ghostbuster, Blues Brother, UFOlogy advocate: Dan Aykroyd.

The comedic titan has remolded himself in recent years as not only a hawker of Crystal Head vodka but a celebrity endorser of UFO research. What follows is a brief tour trough Aykroyd’s opinions on the matter including his eight-part Unplugged documentary opus.

Above we see the most recent interview with DA at a Crystal Head signing. A self-confessed spiritualist, Aykroyd’s most refined passions in the research community surrounding unexplained flying objects. In the interview (in which Aykroyd rattles off a who’s who of UFOlogists and gives props to up and coming research teams) he mentions his 2005 UFO doc Unplugged which cemented the actor’s place in the UFO community.

We see that AFTER THE JUMP…

Produced and directed by UFOlogist David Sereda, this 81-minute compilation of interviews and archival footage has become a modern must see of those fascinated by the study of possible alien sightings. The doc not only reviews various video evidence but also pulls clips from the likes of Ronald Reagan who confessed to seeing a UFO while he was governor of California.

You can see the rest of the doc for free here on YouTube.

But you don’t put Aykroyd’s face on the box of the DVD unless you want it to get a little publicity, which is exactly what happened when the DVD hit shelves. Among the press done to promote the release was a stop on Anderson Cooper’s program.

And so, we prove the cliche true. Old comedians don’t die, they become passionate, knowledgable advocates of alien visitation.

One Response to “A Compilation Of Dan Aykroyd’s Fascination With UFO Research”

  1. Antreah Bone Says:

    I am over 50 and have had experiences on many of the subjects that interest Dan Aykroyd,( UFOs being this particular subject) …
    I am one of the 50 % that doesn’t believe any more.  

    One day in the not so distant future there will be 100% proof that we are never alone… on many different levels.

    I no longer believe because I know and have known for years !  But my proof will in no way persuade anyone but myself … Live your truth until it changes through your own experiences … Don’t be Afraid … Be Curious …Ask Questions … LIVE !!!