The Man Who Took A Proton Beam To The Face And Lived
Posted by Justin on January 11th, 2011
Meet Anatoli Petrovich Bugorski. He was a Russian scientist studying high energy physics when he accidentally stuck his face in the path of a proton beam being generated by a particle accelerator.
Reportedly, he saw a flash “brighter than a thousand suns”, but did not feel any pain.
The aftermath was even stranger. He’d received what was thought to be a a lethal dose of radiation and his face became swollen and began peeling. Everyone thought old Bugorski was a sure goner.
Except, he didn’t die. He lives to this day.
Aside from a loss of hearing and increased mental fatigue you’d have never known he took a FREAKING PROTON BEAM straight to the dome.
January 11th, 2011 at 7:14 pm
Ok, a guy gets hit in the head with a Proton Beam, and he’s not a superhero? WHAT! Alright, it’s official, you can never be a superhero!