Archive for 2010

Scientists Defy John Carpenter, Drill Deep Into Antarctic Ice

Monday, June 7th, 2010

Scientists want to drill deep into Antarctic ice to find life forms that haven’t been exposed to the environment in millions of years. Kurt Russell is not amused.

[Science Daily]

On the trail of the Night Creeper

Sunday, June 6th, 2010

As we prepare for tomorrow’s live hunt for what is known as the “Night Creeper”, we thought we’d share with you some photos from a recent reconnaissance of the area. Our first nighttime recon resulted in Justin and I getting stopped by the police FYI. It appears we’re not the only ones paying attention to the weird reports coming from the area.


What stood out most to us is the fact that this area forms a triangle with two other hotspots of unusual activity and they both have large bodies of water nearby that lead straight to the Everglades – a wild environment filled with cryptid and unusual phenomena.


On Monday night’s live show (9PM EST) we plan to go into a tunnel that’s the main access point between the wetlands and the area of interest. We’re not assuming it’s a cryptid or some other creature that’s been sighted. We just find it very interesting.


During our daylight investigation we found signs that something was living underneath there or at least spent some time there. The above photo shows a very large fish head that was dragged 10 feet above the bank into a dark corner. A raccoon or Gollum? We hope to find out.


THIS MONDAY! Weird Things Hunts The Night Creeper LIVE!

Saturday, June 5th, 2010

It has been sighted by workers walking through the parking lot. Loud shriek, fast movement, short stature. It has been seen late at night prowling around the area by others. What is the Night Creeper?

Some believe it is the spirit of a child. We have a different theory. Either way, the truth will be revealed.

This Monday at 9 p.m. EST we hunt it LIVE. The Weird Things crew of Justin Robert Young, Brian Brushwood and Andrew Mayne are assembling once again to try and track down this unexplained phenomenon.

Traps will be set. Questions will be answered. And every step of the way will be streamed LIVE for your enjoyment as Weird Things hunts the Night Creeper this Monday at 9 p.m. EST on the front page of this site.

British Royal Navy Clarifies Position On Sea Monsters

Friday, June 4th, 2010


There is no official folder sitting in a dusty basement file room marked “Sea Monsters: CLASSIFIED” containing a hundred years worth of reports from parchment to dot matrix print outs about krakens, giants squid and God knows what else lurks under the waves.

At least that’s the official story after a freedom of information request was filed asking the British Royal Navy about a central record database for sea monster sightings.

A marine biologist inquired whether the Ministry of Defence held records about “abnormally large or dangerous sea monsters hundreds of metres under the sea” that had not been revealed to the public.

In reply an official wrote: ”The RN (Royal Navy), and MoD in general, does not maintain any form of central repository of information purely devoted to sea monsters.

“Personnel might be inclined to record unusual sightings in ship’s logs but there is, as far as we know, no actual requirement for them to do so, and it would be beyond the resource constraints of an FOI request to check every line of every RN log book for any such references since 2005.

“However, the RN does invite people to report sightings of marine mammals, and it’s possible this could include unusual sightings.

“These are forwarded to the UK Hydrographic Office at Taunton.”

Tales of insane sea creatures have been around as long as boats, seems like a real missed opportunity.


Cursed Bulgarian Phone Number Discontinued After Last 3 Owners Died Suddenly

Friday, June 4th, 2010

So you get a new phone. It has a new number. You email all your friends with the new info. Then you find out the last person who had this number died suddenly in a hail of gunfire and the dude before him croaked the same way. Oh, the the guy before those two? Cancer.

How excited are you to have the admittedly awesome number of 0888 888 888?

The Mobitel number – 0888 888 888 – has proved to be both easy to memorize and deadly for three successive owners.

The first user – the former CEO of Mobitel – died of cancer in 2001. The number then went to Bulgarian mob boss Konstantin Dimitrov who was gunned down in an Amsterdam ambush in 2003. The final owner of the doomed cell number was another gangster, cocaine smuggler Konstantin Dishliev, who was shot to death outside a restaurant in 2005.

The number was on hold while the investigation of Dishliev’s death was underway but now Mobitel has disabled the cursed number.

Please leave a message.


“Crazy Bird” Terrifies Palm Beach Dog Walkers

Thursday, June 3rd, 2010

My bet is on pterodactyl.


Is A Massive Star About To Collapse, Fry Us All?

Thursday, June 3rd, 2010


Phil Plait dissects a recent rumor about the Betelgeuse star. The short version of the rumor? The star is going to go all supernova in weeks or months (not years or hundreds of years) and the brightness could affect crops and cause streaming panic in the streets.

Phil’s rebuttal? Not so much.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t start stockpiling canned goods and telling your friends the sky is falling just so in two months when you pal’s newly orphaned children are huddled in your bunker to get away from the blood-thirsty mobs left by a post-apocalyptic society you can say… “I told your pa this was coming, (wistful glance to a bare wall) wish he would’ve listened.”

[Bad Astronomy]

Lake Monster Biting Indiana Children

Thursday, June 3rd, 2010

It’s lurking underneath the surface, waiting for little legs rubbery with summer excitement to come across it’s path. It’s the Hardy Lake Monster.


Werewolf Teenagers Grip West Texas

Thursday, June 3rd, 2010

Every generation of teenagers has their own “outsider” sub-culture. Goth, hippie, punk, raver… All pleasantly strange without being scary. But as yet another sign we live in the future, teenagers have finally found a way to freak out even the most die hard counter-culturist. At over a dozen high schools in San Antonio, TX teenagers are transforming into werewolves.

While there isn’t much supernatural about these teens (they put together outfits made of fake tales, novelty contacts, fangs, and dog leashes to approximate the real thing) there is plenty weird about it. The kids involved don’t find it terribly odd though.  To them it’s not a gang or a cult or a sign they need therapy. They consider their pack a support system, which is a something they’ll desperately need to make it through High School dressed as werewolves.

Is this happening elsewhere, or is it just a Texas thing? If you’ve seen a pack of wolves in your town let us know in the comments!

Turtle Boy Loses His Shell

Thursday, June 3rd, 2010

Father Believes Forrest Spirits Lured His Daughter Back To Jungle She Grew Up In

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010


Here is the story thus far:

A little girl disappears into the Cambodian jungle in 1989 where she presumably learned the Bear Necessities for the next 18 years. In 2007 she was discovered and reunited with her family.

But things weren’t all milk and honey, Rochom P’ngieng (now 29 years old) refused to learn English and still crawled instead of walking.


“Even the day before she fled the house, she still helped the family pick vegetables. She must have gone back to the forest and we still cannot find her.” The dramatic reappearance and attempted reintegration of the “jungle girl” has gripped Cambodia, where she is also known as the “half-animal girl” because of her hunched appearance and the fact she makes animal noises rather than speaking.

Mr Lou blames his daughter’s second disappearance on “forest spirits”. In a society shrouded in mystic beliefs, he has also enlisted a fortune teller to help with the search. He is saving up for an offering of one wild ox, one pig, one chicken and four jugs of wine, which, the mystic assures him, will secure his daughter’s return.

When she was lost the first time, many locals reported seeing her with a naked man wielding a sword. This is said to represent the treacherous forrest spirit which may have lead her back into the brush.

So, be on the look out for that.

[The Telegraph]


Turtle Boy Gets Surgery

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010


A young Chinese boy who was born with a thick patch of skin on his back had a surgery to remove the reason he’s earned the nickname “Turtle Boy” by school bullies.


Understanding Human’s Innate Time Travel Ability

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010


We travel back and forth through time. We are time travelers. So much so we don’t even realize it. Nor do we realize that we are slightly leaning awkwardly while remembering the past or pondering the future.

The ability to mentally meander through time by remembering the past or imagining the future sets humans apart from many other species, helping us to learn from what came before and plan for what lies ahead. However, remarkably little is known about how such mental time travel works.

Past research showed that our perceptions of time are tightly linked with space. For instance, pondering the future makes us lean forward, while recalling the past makes us lean back, experimental psychologist Lynden Miles of the University of Aberdeen in Scotland and his colleagues found.

Now Miles and his collaborators have discovered another interesting feat of the mind: Thinking about moving forward prompted speculation about the future, while imagining moving backward triggered reflections on the past.

This explains why downhill skiers are so good at remembering who’s birthdays are coming up.

[Live Science]

Oregon Rock Identified As Meteorite At State Fair

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010


So you find a totally sweet cone-shaped rock but can’t shake the idea that it’s somehow special. Where to do you go to get clarity on what the geological oddity really is?

If you are Oregon couple Donald and Debbie Wesson you haul it down to a county fair, which leads you down a path of academic trail to realizing you’ve got your hands on a meteorite.

Wesson finally began asking around after watching a television program about meteorites. He took the rock to a local county fair in Castle Rock, Washington in the summer of 2009, where he spoke with a member of the Southern Washington Mineralogical Society.

The find was referred to Western Washington University in Bellingham, Wash., where initial sample tests showed it was probably a meteorite. Final confirmation came from the Cascadia Meteorite Laboratory at Portland State University, which classified the Morrow County meteorite as an L6 ordinary chondrite that had been highly shocked (S5) but minimally weathered (W1).

The latest find represents a relatively common type of meteorite, according to Melinda Hutson, a planetary scientist at Portland State University who helped make the classification. But, she added that it has several intriguing features.

Also, they got an Elephant Ear and rode the Flying Dutchman.


Science Tells Us When Shark Attacks Will Happen

Tuesday, June 1st, 2010


We now know when sharks are most likely to tear us apart.

Shark attacks are most likely to occur on Sunday in less than 6 feet of water during a new moon, a new study finds. And there’s good reason: That’s when a lot of surfers are in the water. Not coincidentally, surfers wearing black-and-white suits are most likely to be attacked.

Saturdays come in second place, and Fridays make a pretty good showing too, “reflective of people skipping work and taking three-day weekends,” explained George Burgess, director of the International Shark Attack File at the University of Florida.

The scribbling you hear is the frantic rerouting of my cousin’s Sunday moonlight water wedding under a new moon.


Tropical Storm Ravages Central Amer… HOLY SMOKES LOOK AT THAT SINKHOLE!

Monday, May 31st, 2010

There are over 115 reported dead in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador after a tropical storm ravaged the region. But this photo of a sinkhole that opened up in Guatemala City has to be among the most insane things we’ve ever seen.