Ghostly Green Comet To Buzz Past Earth Oct. 20

Posted by on October 4th, 2010


You can see it now but make no mistake, the Hartley 2 is coming. Not unlike the Hulk, it’s green, it’s unstoppable and it will come very close to destroying the Earth before moving along peacefully.

Comet Hartley 2 will swoop within 11 million miles of Earth on October 20, one of the closest approaches of any comet in the last few centuries.

Hartley 2 is already visible as a pale green streak in the W-shaped constellation Cassiopeia. NASA astronomer Bill Cooke caught the comet on September 28 in a 4-minute exposure taken from a remotely-controlled telescope in Mayhill, New Mexico (Cooke himself was in his home in Huntsville, Alabama, according to NASA’s Watch the Skies blog).

Who’s having a Hartley 2 party?


3 Responses to “Ghostly Green Comet To Buzz Past Earth Oct. 20”

  1. CW Says:

    A Party!?! No way!! Am I the only one that saw/remembers/liked Maximum Overdrive? I’m buying AC/DC albums and hiding out in a truck stop for a few days until this thing passes over! Although that didn’t work too well in the movie. Throw away your electric carving knives now! Stay away from soda machines!

  2. Josh Bulloc Says:

    I will bring the hot dogs.

  3. Josh Bulloc Says:

    I will bring the hot dogs.