Shooting A Shark In The Head Whilst Pop Melodies Strum [Video]

Posted by on August 5th, 2010

And on Shark Week no less! In the interest of fair comment the YouTube description says that fatal shot was fired because the injured shark was going to be eaten anyhow, so this was a mercy killing.

Still… OMFG! This completely changes how I think about Jason Mraz

[YouTube via Deadspin]

2 Responses to “Shooting A Shark In The Head Whilst Pop Melodies Strum [Video]”

  1. Joatmon Says:

    Mercy killing my ass ,, if there where shark in my neck of the woods , it would sound like the perfect redneck sport to me .. Beer , crap music & shootin stuff..

    Yeeeeehaaaa !

  2. ebonnebula Says:

    proof that even [expletive deleted]s celebrate shark week.