Dan Aykroyd Explains Why 9/11 Ruined Our Relationship With Law Breaking Aliens

Posted by on May 13th, 2010

Larry King’s ratings are in the toilet and he’s going through a very public divorce in which his child’s baseball coach has admitted to spending time in King’s estranged wife’s dugout.

So how does he keep it together?

Invite on Dan Aykroyd and let him ramble on about aliens breaking the law and being disgusted by 9/11.


3 Responses to “Dan Aykroyd Explains Why 9/11 Ruined Our Relationship With Law Breaking Aliens”

  1. Marty Says:

    That was interesting, but pretty surreal.
    If you want to hear something about 9/11 I suggest watching Zeitgeist

  2. xalidus Says:

    How long until we see Dan Aykroyd running through the streets, wearing his Ghostbusters costume, and trying to shoot down UFOs with his proton pack?

  3. UncleWillie Says:

    Have you seen the vodka he's hawking? It comes in a crystal skull
