Archive for 2009

Swaziland National Soccer Stadium Riddled With Magic Amulets

Tuesday, June 9th, 2009
Somhlolo National Stadium, Swaziland

Somhlolo National Stadium, Swaziland

Muti is the Zulu word for lucky charms used in traditional tribal rituals. Swaziland soccer players often use them to curry the favor of the gods and increase their team’s chances of winning. At Somhlolo National Stadium, the football players have gone too far with their muti making ways, even stuffing muti underneath the artificial turf.

Things have gotten so bad that Swaziland’s sports minister is now filing criminal complaints and considering banning any team that defiles the $600,000 turf. Most of the holes, burned or cut into the turf are, unsurprisingly, close to the goals or towards the center of the pitch. Police are tepid with their pursuit, claiming that since most muti stuffing incidents happen at night, there is little they can do about it.

Now that we’ve learned that the police force of Swaziland doesn’t operate after hours, we anticipate the muti stuffing problem will continue to grow unrestrained. Also we are strongly considering throwing a Weirdthings party on the turf sometime in the not so distant future.

Australian UFO Video

Tuesday, June 9th, 2009

Penn Bullock reports:

Look at these silver pinpricks soaring through the sky. The videos were reportedly recorded on June 4 and 7 over Kariong, New South Wales, Australia. Are they spaceships? One of the videos, kindly brought to light by Phantoms and Monsters, seems to be shot from the beach; the other from an airplane or even a military jet.

These pictures were purportedly taken by a Hungarian military pilot of a clearly-outlined white disc hovering in the clouds. Whether the videos and pictures are authentic or not, we at Weirdthings can’t verify.

Saturn’s Persistent Hexagon

Tuesday, June 9th, 2009

Saturn's North Pole

Saturn’s North Pole (Cassini-Huygens, 2007 and 2008)

In November 1980, planetary scientists eagerly examined transmissions received from the Voyager 1 spacecraft as it sped past Saturn. And with good reason! Amid those transmissions was the first image of Saturn’s North Pole – a region that’s virtually impossible to see from Earth, and, depending on the degree by which Saturn is tilted, can be cloaked in darkness for up to 15 years at a time (and you thought your last winter was never going to end).

What those scientists saw, and later missions confirmed, was a decidedly bizarre feature in the gas giant’s atmosphere directly above the North Pole: a 15,000-mile-wide hexagon.


Alien Vortex Over Brazil?

Sunday, June 7th, 2009

Penn Bullock reports:

Last week an Air France flight disappeared over the ocean on its way to Brazil, while flying into an electrical storm.

UFOlogist Michael Cohen believes that the plane may have vanished into one of two UFO vortex exits over Brazil. Following this line of reasoning, the plane’s disappearance into the vortex portends much worse in humanity’s near future. Rumblings in the ether indicate that the aliens are planning an imminent invasion. Phantoms and Monsters reports:

It appears a race in the nearby Andromeda Galaxy has ‘discovered’ us. These ‘unmanned’ surveillance discs have made their way home at some point and reported back on our existence. The floodgate has opened.

South-West China as well as Siberia are areas where the vortex is tipped to move to shortly.

Let me predict: Sightings of UFOs by will be unprecedented over the next few weeks. We are at a minute to midnight in terms of ending our isolation. Open unilateral contact is months, weeks, days or even hours away.

We are about to meet our universal brethren: are you ready?

And when Michael Cohen provides the “highly credible sources” he claims confirms any of his theory, then set your phasers to kill.

Black Sabbath Lead Guitarist Claims Ghost Sighting

Sunday, June 7th, 2009


Tony Iommi, iconic lead guitarist from Black Sabbath is sixty one this year. He has waited many moons to impart his personal belief that ghosts exist upon us rock mortals, based on an encounter he had at Clearwell Castle when he was touring with Ozzy back in the day. Though he can’t recall whether he was with Ozzy Osbourne or guitarist Terry Butler at the time of the sighting.

The band had come to Clearwell Castle in Gloucestershire seeking inspiration for their new album in 1973. According to Iommi, a cloaked and hooded figure approached him and his companion in the dungeons of the castle, before turning into a room and miraculously disappearing. Spooky stuff, at least they managed to pull the acclaimed rock album ‘Sabbath Bloody Sabbath’ out of the dungeons of Clearwater Castle, along with themselves and their gear after the sighting.

Creepy Japanese Ghost Girl

Sunday, June 7th, 2009

We were scanning through the interwebs today and realized that for all the great ghost-based horror movies that come out of Japan, we almost never cover Japanese ghost stories. So we hit up youtube to find a Japanese ghost video, and this is what we came up with. Enjoy.

Researchers Uncover 400 Year Old Witch’s Brew

Saturday, June 6th, 2009


A Witch’s Bottle is a 17th century device believed to absorb and retain evil. Of course it was not the bottle itself that attracted evil, it was the witch’s potion held within it. When British researchers uncovered the most intact bottle ever discovered, they were sure to do a CT scan to identify its contents.

It seems British witches of 400 years ago liked to concoct a golden Witch’s brew. As was revealed by the CT scan, the contents were: pins, nails and urine. Hooray! This gives contemporary witches and wizards historical precedent for using human urine in their homemade potions today. MSBNC reported lead researcher Alan Massey as saying:

“the objects found in witch bottles verify the authenticity of contemporary recipes given for anti-witchcraft devices, which might otherwise have been dismissed by us as being too ridiculous and outrageous to believe.”

Score one for all you witchcraft urine masters out there!

To Find a Penguin, Look for its Poop….From Space!!!

Thursday, June 4th, 2009

You can run Penguins, you can hide, but we will always know where you are, because you are swimming birds that poop a lot. We think we can count this as another unconsidered negative effect of being a flightless bird.

Are There Modern Dinosaurs?

Thursday, June 4th, 2009

The Loch Ness Monster and other dino-cryptids have captivated the imaginations and hopes of millions of people all over the world. It would be really cool if dinosaurs were still alive today. But how much truth is there to this claim? Are there really prehistoric giants currently roaming the earth or have they all gone the way of the fossils above? Benjamin Radford, renowned paranormal investigator tackles this very question in a Live Science article.

Was Kennedy Advised By Little Green Men?

Thursday, June 4th, 2009

Penn Bullock reports:


George Adamski is one of the original, pioneering Ufologists. In 1946, while watching a meteor shower (when lights tend to streak through the night sky), Adamski and his friends noticed a cluster of lights in formation that they immediately identified as an alien mothership. Again that year, at the same California campgrounds, Adamski purported to take a photograph of a “cigar-shaped” mothership sailing in front of the moon. In 1950, the Caribbean island nation of Grenada put that photo on a stamp commemorating “1950: The Year of the UFO.”


Champlain Lake Monster Revisited

Thursday, June 4th, 2009


“Champ” the Lake Champlain monster is back bothering residents of Burlington, Vermont. The above image is a screen shot from the latest Lake Champlain monster video of a mysterious dinosaur like creature crossing the water. Alas we could not post it here because they took away the embed code, but Cryptomundo has a great write up on analyzing this latest video, as well as studying the history of the Lake Champlain Monster.

Frog Marriage To End Drought

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2009

Screw expensive and ineffective cloud seeding, if your farmland is dry and infertile, try frog marriage, valued by Indian holy men as the most fun and creative way to end drought.

That may be the most adorable frog bride we have ever seen, but is froggy matrimony really the way to go to bring rain? For the sake of the people of Assam, we sure hope so.

Feng Shui Trouble in Vegas

Monday, June 1st, 2009

The Venetian Hotel and Casino

The Venetian Hotel and Casino

The stakes are high in Vegas. No one knows that better than the high rolling VIPs who pour into Vegas from the far corners of the globe to gamble away their millions.

One high roller, a Taiwanese Businessman identified as Mr. Yuan, lost two million dollars during his attempt to break the bank at The Venetian Hotel and Casino. Instead of blaming the cruel hand of fate and accepting the role of the dice, Mr. Yuan is suing The Venetian for his losings, claiming that The Venetian intentionally used Feng Shui to induce his losing streak. According to AFP News:


Twitter: Now With ESP

Monday, June 1st, 2009
Prof. Richard Wiseman

Prof. Richard Wiseman

Today marks the beginning of the first ever scientific experiment conducted using Twitter. Professor Richard Wiseman, from the University of Hertfordshire in the UK, has organized an remote viewing ESP experiment using the social networking tool.

Richard Wiseman, assisted by fellow researchers, will visit different locations around the UK and ask participants to “tweet” their impressions of the characteristics of the surrounding area. These participants will then be given a series of five photos to choose the correct location from. If anyone gets three hits, the odds of which are 1 in 125, the outcome will be considered statistically significant in proving the existence of ESP.

Wiseman, famous for conducting mass participation studies, has found the perfect online tool for extending his research, making him the first person I know of to use Twitter to do good in this world.

To participate, follow Prof. Wiseman on twitter at:

Anomalous Sonar Activity At Loch Ness

Sunday, May 31st, 2009


A classic pleasure cruise, traveling along Loch Ness, recorded strange sonar activity in the middle of its voyage on Thursday. Captain John Askew reported that these sonar readings were unique in his over fifteen years of working as a boat captain on the lake. The sonar readings, indicating a large underwater object, await scientific analysis. Could it be Nessie?

Jellyfish Crop Circle

Saturday, May 30th, 2009


An Oxfordshire farmer woke up one morning to find this epic jellyfish crop circle in his field (or so he claims). The farmer, R. Spence, has submitted that no one has access to his land, leading us to speculate that a race of alien Jellyfish are trying to make a bold political statement. Notice how the aliens have been getting far more ornate with their crop circles since the first ones started popping up in the sixties, we wonder why that is?