Podcast: Mad Things

Posted by on May 17th, 2015
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It’s a spoiler-laden discussion of Mad Max: Fury Road this week. Plus, the intersection of cult-building in movies and real life.
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Mad Max: Fury Road

Andrew: Tales Of The Grim Sleeper

Brian: Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces

Justin: Dear Zachary

After Things: Age of Marvel?

Posted by on May 13th, 2015
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After Things is the official after show of Weird Things Podcast.
The Boys give their reactions to Age of Ultron, speculate about the Joss/Marvel issues, and talk upcoming MCU. (Spoilery talk begins around 13:00)
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Edison’s Talking Dolls Speak Again After 125 Years – Continue Terrifying Everyone Who Hears Them

Posted by on May 11th, 2015

Thomas Edison once took a break from electrocuting animals to turn his attention to making dolls for little girls.

Because he was the go-to guy at the time for recording voices, he thought it might be cool to make those dolls speak.

And just like his animal displays that weren’t really the thing anyone who loves animals should watch…

His dolls weren’t really the thing that anyone who loves children enough to get them a talking doll should ever consider giving…

Inside the dolls rests a fragile wax cylinder with grooves on it like a vinyl record. Using a microscope and computers to study the cylinders and create an accurate image that can be virtually played and heard, an engineer and a physicist have, unfortunately for those of us who sleep, brought the sounds of the dolls back to life…


You can hear the complete recordings in the video below.


Podcast: Hotpants of Thanos

Posted by on May 10th, 2015
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Disturbing bears make us question everything. Don’t worry, the MFPD will protect you…or will they? Send in your UFOStalker gems and paranormal military names to justinrobertyoung@gmail.com (“Weird Things” in the subject line)
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Andrew: Arrow

Brian: Interstellar

Justin: Spoiler Show: Age of Ultron

Worm Vomits Roots – Wait…Nope. That’s Its Hand

Posted by on May 7th, 2015

BEFORE you press play on that video (we’re sure some of you just went for it anyway) put down whatever it is you’re eating.

This is a ribbon worm called a Gorgonorhynchus. When it senses nearby prey it launches what looks like a root out of its face. Anything caught in those flinchingly terrifying ‘roots’ get hauled into the worm’s belly.

These adorable little worms live in the ocean…

It’s summer.

Good luck out there.

[Business Insider]

After Things: Table of Defeat

Posted by on May 6th, 2015
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After Things is the official after show of Weird Things Podcast.
User question: Overcoming the stigma of being self-published. Selling your product and its story.
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Weird Sounds Recorded in the Sky by Grad Student

Posted by on May 6th, 2015

On August 9th of 2014 graduate student Daniel Bowman sent infrasound microphones into the 19 miles into the sky above Earth just out of reach of planes but well below actually being in space.

For 9 hours and for over 400 miles the microphones recorded sounds in a layer of our sky that science hadn’t bothered with in almost 50 years.

They may start bothering it again…

Bowman’s microphones picked up sounds recorded below the range of human hearing. To make those sounds audible to our ears, they’re sped up…

When they’re sped up the results get a little freaky.

Scientists studying the sounds have yet to determine where they came from…a local wind-farm, crashing waves, wind turbulence and even the balloon’s cable.

While they all debate those things…

Maybe…just maybe it’s something else…


Podcast: I’m Not Upset

Posted by on May 3rd, 2015
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We read one of your UFO Stalker finds. Keep sending them in to justinrobertyoung@gmail.com. NASA’s EM drive: revolutionary or bunk? Microsoft’s HoloLens near-final unit is leaving users wanting. How do the competitors stack up?
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Andrew: Tracks

Brian: Spam Nation: The Inside Story of Organized Cybercrime from Global Epidemic to Your Front Door

Justin: Sinatra: All Or Nothing At All

After Things: Follow What You Love

Posted by on April 29th, 2015
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After Things is the official after show of Weird Things Podcast.
Exercising control over exercise. Improving your skills when you already love your techniques. Picks: Made to Stick (http://heathbrothers.com/books/made-to-stick/) and Raymond Crowe (http://www.raymondcrowe.com/)
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Meet “Han” the Ultra-Realistic-Looking Robot Bust… And a reminder that we’re all doomed.

Posted by on April 27th, 2015

Hanson Robotics (no the “MmmBop” band hasn’t regrouped and out to destroy us with robots blaring their only memorable song as retribution) has been hard at work creating our future robot overlords in the form of…um…us.

Recently on display at the AsiaWorld Expo in Hong Kong, Han’s fiberglass bust is covered in a new, extremely life-like rubber compound called Frubber which if fitting since Han was created by an ex Disney Imagineer who’s now looking to take things to a whole new level of interactivity and realism.

Han is able to interact on a limited level with humans and can understand and carry on very basic conversations with those near him. Besides Han’s incredibly realistic expressions based on the conversation that he’s having, sensors in his eyes actually help him look directly into the soft, squishy soul of any human he’s actually speaking with.

Back in 2013 we featured another post about Roboy that had also been created by Hanson Robotics and is just as terrifying as Han.

In either case (as well as all the other similar robots Hanson Robotics has produced) let’s just be glad that Hanson Robotics is focused solely on robot heads….

Heads that, fortunately for us, don’t have legs…

Unless, of course, they get introduced to Boston Dynamics…

Because the thought of a Boston Dynamics Cheetah with a Hanson Robotics Face mounted on it would be a sign we should just prepare ourselves for the end.


Podcast: Flakka Flakka Flakka

Posted by on April 26th, 2015
Skitched 20110225 175343
Just vape some superpowers, bro. Do we have a place in society for medicine to deter obesity with the use of amphetamines? Evolution of wearables and programming for simplistic inputs. The fall of Radio Shack: a signal of online shopping dominance?
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Andrew: Star Wars and Lubor Fiedler

Brian: Hacking the System UK Premiere

Justin: The Empire Strikes Back

After Things: Watched Projects Never Boil

Posted by on April 22nd, 2015
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After Things is the official after show of Weird Things Podcast.
When can you expect returns from new projects? The meaning of stalled growth. Andrew suggests Supermensch: The Legend of Shep Gordon.
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Podcast: Star Wars Things

Posted by on April 19th, 2015
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The Boys went to Star Wars Celebration last week! They talk about the trailers, exhibits, and new game.
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Andrew: Daredevil

Brian: Becoming Steve Jobs: The Evolution of a Reckless Upstart into a Visionary Leader and

Justin: Game of Thrones and Name of the Devil

After Things: Basic Skills

Posted by on April 14th, 2015
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After Things is the official after show of Weird Things Podcast.
Andrew shares some sharp, geeky threads. How to receive and handle advice given. Talent isn’t afraid of talent.
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Russian Man Volunteers for First – Probably Last – Head Transplant by Controverisal Neuroscientist

Posted by on April 13th, 2015

Ripped right out of hundreds of science fiction, comic book and horror stories comes news that a Russian man has decided to be a medical guinea pig or possibly a pioneer….

By having his head removed and attached to another body.

Suffering from a severe case of spinal muscular atrophy, Valery Spiridonov, a 30-year-old Russian man has volunteered to become the first person to go through the process of a head transplant.

Last December, in a TedTalk, Italian neuroscientist Sergio Canavero claimed it’s possible and he was the guy to do it.

Spiridonov says he’s really got nothing to lose as his condition and quality of life deteriorate:

“I’m very interested in technology, and anything progressive that might change people’s lives for the better. Doing this isn’t only an excellent opportunity for me, but will also create a scientific basis for future generations, no matter what the actual outcome of the surgery is. This technology is similar to the first man to walk in space. This is because in the future it will help thousands of people who are in an even more deplorable state than I am.”

The cost and time to transplant Spiridonov’s head onto it’s new body? 11 million dollars and 36 hours of surgery.

Other doctors in the field are calling this a fantasy and a horrible idea that should never even be considered.

We’ll know in 2017 after 36 hours of surgery…

In the broken-English words of Dr. Canavero during the opening of his TedTALK:

“Are you sitting tight? I’m about to give you one hell of a ride.”

[Business Insider]

Podcast: We Want To Know

Posted by on April 12th, 2015
Skitched 20110225 175343
Too Many Encounters! An extraterrestrial first for China. A horrifying image in LA. Send in the best UFOStalker.com stories to justinrobertyoung@gmail.com (“Weird Things” in the subject line)
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Andrew: Halt and Catch Fire and Atari: Game Over

Brian: Apple Watch and Daredevil

Justin: Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back