Flying Ghost Caught On Tape In Indonesian Jungle

Posted by on May 26th, 2009

An Indonesian Paranormal TV show is touting the above video as the real deal. This ghost video starts off looking like it’s going to be incredibly lame, with a person in a white gown slowly crossing the screen. Then suddenly with no explanation the figure takes to the sky, jumping to a tree before mysteriously exiting via the top edge of the frame. Why the cameraman didn’t follow eagerly with his lens? We don’t know.

Treasure Hunters Try to Sell Chuch’s Loot, God Intervenes

Posted by on May 25th, 2009


Vyacheslav Agapov and Konstantin Chiliskin were unsuccessful, amateur treasure hunters from the Kaluga Region of Russia, who were searching for buried coins with a metal detector in Velino Village. Behind the long standing Velino Church, built in 1772, they struck pay day, or more accurately a jewel studded pot that contained religious icons. On the side of the pot was an engraving that read: ““Property of Velino Church”.

Both men immediately felt uneasy about the previous owner of their big find. After all, ancient Russian armies are one thing, god is in a league unto his own. But Apapov and Chiliskin did not let their apprehensions stop them from calling a friend named Roman, who immediately contacted antique dealer who offered the treasure hunters $20,000 for everything they had, no questions asked.

Moments went by as Roman, Agapov and Chiliskin tried to decide what to do with their loot, then apparently god stepped in to assist in their decision making process. Roman reported hearing a mysterious voice and feeling someone hit him on the back of the shoulder repeatedly. After this incident, the group decided it might be best to return the religious relics to the church.

Cleveland Ghost Video

Posted by on May 23rd, 2009

These clips were taken at a house on Cleveland’s historic Franklin Avenue. Investigate, inspect, let us know.

Siberian Yeti Raids Leek Crop!

Posted by on May 23rd, 2009

Something is amiss in Siberia once again. The wild leek crop, that is a staple food of the Shor people of the Siberian tundra, is being gobbled up by an unknown creature. The cryptid takes only leek plants and leaves only numerous, large, mammalian footprints.

This is the same region that Cryptozoologist Igor Burtsev mounted his failed expedition to search for yetis sighted near Azasskaya Cave. Weirdthings reported on that back in March. Fourteen more sightings of a big-foot like creature with reddish brown fur have been reported in the region. Maybe Burtsev should try stuffing his tent with leeks and let the Yetis come to him next time around.

Mayor Orders Paranormal Investigation of Office

Posted by on May 22nd, 2009


The Mayor of Newtown in the UK has called for a paranormal investigation at her Mayor’s Chambers after she apparently sensed an “otherworldly presence”. A British paranormal team was summoned to her office and found that they agreed with Mayor Sue Lawson’s assessment, read the full article in the County Times.

Ghost in the ER of Mexican Hospital?

Posted by on May 22nd, 2009

This video has been making its way around the interwebs in recent days. Looks like someone walking by, then a table moving to us. We’ll keep on searching.

Psychic Prophesized Hewitt’s Break Up

Posted by on May 21st, 2009

You may have heard that Jennifer Love Hewitt just called it quits with her fiance, actor Ross McCall. But according to James Van Praagh, she could have saved herself a year of her life and horrible heart break if she had only known what he knew. The two work on the show “Ghost Whisperer” together. Apparently using his handy psychic sense to pick up the signals emanating from the ether of the universe Van Praagh was able to pick up and decode a spiritual signal telling him that the celebrity relationship was doomed. Praagh believed that McCall was afraid of the married life, but selfishly, did not tell Hewitt…why you ask? Well according to the Times of India Van Praagh said:

“I did not want to break her heart, knowing it would be broken in a few weeks anyway”

But exactly who is this James Van Praagh character and what are his psychic qualifications? The below video by visual artist Jose Alvarez (Perpetrator of the famous ‘Carlos hoax‘ in Australia is our favorite one about Van Praagh, and we believe that it says it all:

…and Part 2

Talking Elmo: Now With Death Threats

Posted by on May 21st, 2009


Elmo doesn’t really love you, in fact, he wants to kill you. Or so found out a Florida two-year old named James when his talking Elmo doll started making death threats. Elmo was behaving well enough, until one day the adorable toddler’s mother changed the batteries and the doll’s language took a Chuckiesque turn. It stated saying “Kill James”. How creeped out would you be, if the doll you had bought for your toddler started ordering his demise?

After the family made a media stink about the incident last year, Fisher-Price, makers of the foul mouthed doll, promised to launch an investigation and replaced the offending, lovable, red mop-head.

-To hear an audio recording of the doll saying “Kill James” click here.

You’ve Seen Jesus Toast, Now See ‘The God Salami’

Posted by on May 20th, 2009

Check out the above video while we lament the state of popular media for ever allowing this to become news. From this incident we can surmise one thing about God: he draws like a five year old given crayons for the very first time. Though to be fair, salami might not be his best medium, toast has been shown to be a much more effective vessels for heavenly images delivered from on high.

We’re also glad to see that Nancy Simoes’ friends put her claim through rigorous analysis before accepting it as a bonafide miracle. As CBS4 reported on Nancy’s Neighbors comments:

“I totally believe her 100 percent,” said one neighbor. “Me too,” said another. For twenty years this South Florida family has fried salami as a breakfast meat. “We ended up all liking it. We just do it. No words come out. No letters. No circles. It’s just fried salami,” said Natasha Batista, who is the daughter of Simoes.

And that’s more than we need to conquer our incredulity. One point of contention, there are entities we know exist that like salami an awful lot. We think if there was anything paranormal going on here, the salami was trying to spell out the word DOG. A possibility apparently lost on Ms. Simoes.

“100% Proof” of Ghosts Caught on Tape

Posted by on May 20th, 2009

This ghost video has been circling around the internet since 2007. Do you think it’s real “100% proof” of ghosts, or just a bizarre man screaming like a baritone school girl?

Latest Ghost Image: Jenner Museum

Posted by on May 19th, 2009


Above is a photo snapped of a purported apparition at the Jenner Museum in Gloucester, England. It was taken by BBC journalist Chris Sandys. Edward Jenner is the man who pioneered the smallpox vaccine and the museum that bares his name has been claimed to be haunted for years.

It seems convenient that so much press attention has been given to the ghosts in the attic at Jenner Museum, especially because they have a new exhibition called ‘Ghosts in the Attic’: From Smallpox to MMR. But the proprietors of the museum swear that the title is metaphorical and they did not have a hand in any sort of publicity stunt.

We at Weirdthings believe the photo above could be of….anything.

What Does Your Ass Say About You?

Posted by on May 19th, 2009

What does your ass say about you? Just ask Australian psychic Sharina, who claims that a reading of your posterior is more effective at predicting your future life success than a more traditional reading of your palms. Watch as she deftly maneuvers her hands, fondling the butt cheeks of fortune seekers. So does the shape of one’s ass really predict the shape of things to come? Here at Weirdthings, we question the efficacy of backside reading to yield insights into personality and suspect that psychic bottom readers may be the ultimate bottom feeders.

Human Ancestors Enjoyed Tasty Neanderthal Treats

Posted by on May 18th, 2009


Neanderthals were one of our closest genetic relatives. The debate over whether they were a sub species of humans or a different species all together still rages. Knowing our shared genetic heritage, archaeologists like to speculate about interaction between humans and neanderthals.

Did we interbreed? Did we co-exist peacefully? Did we trade and barter? Well according to Fernandon Rozzi of Paris’s Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique instead of loving one of our closet relatives, we ate them. According to Live Science:

The evidence: a Neanderthal jawbone with marks similar to those left on bones of deer and other animals that Stone Age humans butchered, according to the Daily Mail.

“Neanderthals met a violent end at our hands and in some cases we ate them,” Rozzi says.

Mmmmm….tasty ape man. It’s a tangled ancestral web we weave.

Killer Blob Invades Vietnamese Lake

Posted by on May 18th, 2009


Local fisherman around Vietnam’s Lake Rung suspected changing weather patterns were the culprit when fish started dying off in large numbers last year. When they headed out last month to collect fish they caught around two tons of a strange, blob like, creature. The fish caught along side the blobs perished soon afterward. Touching the blobs brought itchiness and sore eyes Thanh Nien News reports:

“We didn’t know if they were animals or plants and began called them the “strange creature,” Xuan said.

Read the rest of this entry »

Ghost or Intruder?

Posted by on May 18th, 2009

Penn Bullock Reports:

It’s a scene straight out of a horror movie. A little boy tells his soccer mom that he saw a ghost last night in his room, and that the ghost also visited his little sister. The suburbs are safe, the mother thinks, and my son was having a bad dream. Two weeks later, at 2 a.m. she stumbles on a man next to her bed, lying on the floor, making not a peep. He’s wearing all black and escapes like a shadow “‘without saying a word.” There’s an unknown lurker in Fishers, Indiana, and he likes to visit children in their sleep. Does he sound like the boogeyman?

A similar drama transpired in New York City in 1927. Two little boys were playing in an apartment building hall. When their parents came to collect them, both boys had disappeared. One of them was found minutes later on the roof of the building. He told the adults that the other boy had been taken by “the boogeyman.” The boogeyman was Albert Fish, the most gruesome child rapist/serial killer in American history. Nobody believed the boy about the boogeyman until it was too late.

Here’s a question: would you rather find a real ghost or a black-clad intruder in your house?

Montauk Monster 2

Posted by on May 17th, 2009

We all remember the Montauk Monster that washed up along the shores of Long Island last year. The above video was taken in Southold, NY of Montauk Monster 2. The people over at think the two are the same beast, what do you make of it?