G’Gugvuntt or Vl’hurg? [Weirdest Alien Photos]
Wednesday, July 7th, 2010Everyday this week…Brett Rounsaville brings us the Weirdest “True Life” Alien Pictures ever taken.
Much like George Washington after chopping down the last of the alien cherry trees, I cannot tell a lie. 99.9% of the reason I chose today’s picture was because it reminded me of this shirt.woot.com shirt (click on the image there to enlarge it) and it made me giggle.
The other .1% of the reason is that you just don’t see enough variation in alien photos or accounts. Four feet tall, big eyes, blah, blah, blah…
You lost me at, “Did I ever tell you about the time I was probed?”
It’s reassuring to know that in the off chance that we’re being visited by aliens capable of mutilating cows maybe these little guys are giving squirrels a run for their money.
Also, even if it’s just a tiny little carving…it’s still pretty impressive.
Same game/same rules as yesterday. I have ZERO idea as to the origin of this critter. If you can tell me who made it or “authenticated” it leave the answer in the comment section for a genuine, one-of-a-kind weirdthings.com no-prize!
What do you think? Real or fake? Have you seen a weirder alien photo? If the answer is yes then, for the love of all things strange, why haven’t you posted it in the comments yet?!