WT: Eternal Autonomous Death Event
Posted by Bryce on November 21st, 2017
What’s the best way to live forever? Probably not a cloud of killbots! We’ve got a car that could out-race them though. #JourneyQuest: Justin’s mind-controlled, Brian’s been cloned, and there’s yet another competitor to the arena. Got something weird? Email neshcom@gmail.com, subject line “Weird Things.”
Want to relive the Journey Quest experience? If we get to $600 on Patreon, we’ll create a special JQ-only RSS feed for all our patrons. All of Journey Quest in one place–this is the Journey Saga!
Andrew: Doctor Who (1963)
Justin: Hacks
Brian: Sea of Rust
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Download url: http://www.itricks.com/upload/WeirdThings112017.mp3