Podcast: Gary and The Weasel
Posted by Editor on October 30th, 2012Gary and The Weasel make their podcast debut to solve a Polish crime. Who would win in a fight: a Neanderthal or a human? Andrew quizzes us on a mysterious man who witnessed something amazing. Can the boys figure out his identity? And what did he see?
The results connect the very fabric of our history through a meld of technology and culture! Prepare friends, for yet another Weird Things podcast!
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My Mother is Nuts by Penny Marshall
October 31st, 2012 at 3:12 am
Brian and Andrew argued whether language has gotten better or worse over the years. Shwood saying we will constantly be embarrassed decades later of the way we talk at the present. Andrew saying no TV has made everyone take on a similar tone and structure in speech.
A study last winter said that right now, young women are pioneering new vocal trends. They are injecting sounds at the end of sentences to signal something. NYTimes: “a guttural fluttering of the vocal cords.” Maybe manipulate people to do something or show dislike or boredom.
October 31st, 2012 at 4:03 am
If JuRY wants people to talk about ‘Cloud Atlas’, then people ought to assume spoilers talk.
‘Cloud Atlas’ is about love, freedom and greed isn’t rewarded. Refreshing to see actors allowed to play different races and genders. Some reviewers are saying it is racist, but I think those people are just looking to criticize.
It does seem the old folks home sequence gets a little off track at times. But then Broadbent’s story gets made into a movie that is stuck in a run-time error for Somni-451 to keep viewing. That is quite something.
I remember seeing a Kevin Costner interview years ago. He said when he makes a movie, he wants it to be a full meal and not to worry about running time.
It is good to hear the “Wachowski Starship” saying they are willing to risk everything to make entertainment the way they want. Kind of like that guy, the one who just sold a company to Disney.
There have been a ton of good articles on the Wachowskis lately. Some are saying is this the type of narrative that is evolving with the younger generations? That the world is ready for stories that do not need to flow directly from act one to three. People are getting used to being shown ideas in many forms. Kind of sad to see one of CNN’s conservatives tweeting he will not see the movie.
Last thought. ‘Cloud Atlas’ does have a similar small fault ‘The Phantom Menace’ had. When that movie opened, Roger Ebert enjoyed it. But he said when he saw the environments, he wished Lucas didn’t cut away from them so fast. He needed to allow the audience to soak it in a little. Neo Seoul looked quite amazing, but it gone from the screen so quickly.
November 4th, 2012 at 7:18 am
I listened to Cloud Atlas (the book) this past summer, just before the trailer was released, and fell madly in love with it. I could tell from the trailer that they had made some significant changes and was immediately skeptical of the movie. I recently read a post of Cinema Blend that detailed the exact differences between the book & the movie and now have absolutely no interest in seeing it. My take on it is that they have made it more palatable for the average consumer (i.e. dumbed it down) by making the reincarnation angle far too obvious (the book only mentions who has the birthmark in passing and references some brief flashbacks to previous lives), adding unnecessary love stories (there are only 1 or 2 in the book), Making the language in Sloosha’s Crossin’ easier to understand and cutting out a couple of very powerful ‘gut punch’ moments (especially at the end of Sonmi 451’s story). They’ve also removed Ayrs daughter, Eva, who is the catalyst for Frobisher’s ending. Admittedly, I can be a bit too much of a literalist when it comes to book->movie adaptations, especially when I love the source material, but a big part of the appeal of Cloud Atlas is the challenge that it presents to the reader and IMHO any attempt to make it more palatable, only serves to castrate the masterpiece that is the book.