Report: “My Heart Will Go On” was Playing when Italian Cruise Liner Hit Rocks
Posted by Justin on January 19th, 2012
Two Swiss passengers have told a local newspaper that in the dining room of the Costa Concordia, Celine Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On” was playing when the massive ship became fatally damaged.
Indeed, according to several witnesses, it seems that the music from the Titanic soundtrack, namely “My Heart Will Go On”, performed by Celine Dion, was released in a restaurant of the ship at the time of the impact. Questioned by the Tribune de Genève, Yannick Sgaga, a survivor of Switzerland and his brother Kevin have expressed their disbelief when they realized what was happening on the music of the film which told the tragedy of the Titanic occurred 100 years ago.
We are wary of this for a few reasons:
• What a massive coincidence.
• Is that song a mainstay on cruise ships? Isn’t that kind of like playing Castaway as an in-flight movie?
• Billy Zane was nowhere to be seen.
But if it’s true, jeez. Let’s hope someone got to paint a hot stranger naked before this all went down.