It’s 2012! The Year a Rogue Planet Crashes Into Earth and Kills Us All
Friday, December 30th, 2011
As we count down the final days of 2011, it’s high time we moved into serious put up or shut up time for the 2012 prophecies. Our favorite to watch out for (literally) is the promise that a planet Nibiru will crash into Earth, ending humanity.
Beginning in 1995 by alleged alien contactee Nancy Lieder, she offered the following warning…
Lieder originally called the bringer of doom “Planet X,” and later connected it to a planet that was hypothesized to exist by a writer named Zecharia Sitchin in his book “The 12th Planet” (Harper 1976). According to Sitchin (1920-2010), the ancient Sumerians wrote about a giant planet called Nibiru — the “twelfth planet” in the solar system, after the other planets (including Pluto), the sun and moon — which has an oblong orbit that swings near Earth every 3,600 years. Humans actually evolved on Nibiru, he said, and colonized this planet during a previous flyby.
Of course, there is no astronomical proof that Nibiru, or anything like Nibiru, exists or that Earth is on a collision course with a planet of any size. Of course, that might just be what it wants you to think.