Archive for 2010

Who’s Killing All The Babysitters? [WeirdThingsTV]

Saturday, June 12th, 2010

Fortune Telling Legalized In Maryland

Friday, June 11th, 2010


A Maryland court has struck down a county law that barred fortune telling as a violation of free speech. Just as I foresaw in the espers of time!

Judge Clayton Greene Jr., who wrote the court’s opinion, concluded that while fortune-tellers may sometimes deceive their customers, it’s not up to the court to pass judgment on the validity or value of their soothsaying.

“If Montgomery County is concerned that fortune-tellers will engage in fraudulent conduct, the county can enforce fraud laws in the event that fraud occurs,” Greene wrote in the majority opinion.

The suit was brought by a man who was denied a business license for his fortune dispensary in 2008.

[Business Week]

Does Saturn’s Moon Hold the Answers to Extraterrestrial Life?

Friday, June 11th, 2010


NASA has cautiously released data from their Cassini spacecraft that suggests Saturn’s moon Titan could by the home to some form of alien life.

The data shows hydrogen funneling down through the atmosphere then mysteriously disappearing as it hits the surface, which is exactly what would happen if there was a life form on Titan that consumed hydrogen instead of oxygen. Regardless of whether there is life there or not we won’t be holding a block party any time soon.

As always scientists remain skeptical, but it’s possible we may finally MAKE CONTACT without having to venture out of The Milky Way.


Roaches Prefer To Eat Together, Like A Family

Thursday, June 10th, 2010


Add communal to the list of adjectives used to describe roaches. New studies show that the disgusting insects will choose to eat together even if other options present themselves.

Cockroaches prefer dining as a group it seems. New research shows the pesky critters cluster and remain feeding on one lump of food even if another morsel exists nearby.

The result demonstrates that cockroaches possess a collective decision-making process previously thought to exist only in highly social species, such as ants and bees, according to the study scientists.

Family dinner, yet another trait that roaches share with the cast of Jersey Shore.

[Live Science]

Spanish Researchers Have Video Proof Of Elves, Sprites

Thursday, June 10th, 2010


Sure, it’s a weather phenomenon and not mystical mischief makers of lore. Still, pretty cool.

[Science Daily]

Snakes Disappearing At Alarming Rate, M. Nigh Shmyamalan Prepares Boring Movie About It

Thursday, June 10th, 2010

Snake Disappearing

We all remember a couple of years ago when all the bees started disappearing. Now it seems non-winged animals are also taking flight.

A new study has revealed that eight species of snakes have seen their number dwindle since the mid-90’s. Some populations have lost 90% of their members. Researchers are baffled as to why this is happening. Some blame El Nino, while others see it as a broader trend among animal populations as a response to pollution and global warming.

Unfortunately nobody has suggested the most obvious solution: Check the Plane.

[BBC News]

Your Cats Are Trying To Kill You [WeirdThingsTV]

Thursday, June 10th, 2010

Were Legendary Japanese Race Dwarves, Pygmies Or Hobbits?

Wednesday, June 9th, 2010


Legend tells of an intensely insular, physically tiny race that lived in the north of Japan thousands of years ago before humans settled there. Brent Swancer of Cryptomundo takes a fascinating look at who they were and why they might be closer to hobbits than modern day dwarves.


A Brief History Of Insane, Murdering Alleged Time Travelers

Wednesday, June 9th, 2010


Why is it that time travelers always so sloppy?

Whenever you hear of someone in the news evoking the time travel defense, it’s always for bad stuff like accidental deaths, murders or elaborate plots to kill someone who eventually ruins the planet. Or something.

Is it too much to ask for a man to come forward or backward in time and just mind their business? Take notes, talk to the natives, enjoy our flavored iced coffees and GTFO.

Then again, maybe only the sloppy time travelers are the ones who get caught merc-ing random civilians with bizarre tales like the one below. At that point the blame really lies on the supervisor that sent them back in the first place. Now all we have to do is invent a time machine so we can subpoena him for his clear negligence.

Towards the end of July 2009, New Zealander Mark Paul Warren, 26, was found not guilty, by reason of insanity, of killing two people in 2007 by driving dangerously near Auckland airport at Mangere. Warren, who had no licence, had been travell­ing at 166km/h when he smashed into another car; passengers in both cars died, while Warren and the other driver spent months in hosp­ital. After he told police that he had been in a time machine and needed to exceed 100km/h to become invisible, he was committed to a facility in Hamilton specialising in treating acute mental illness.

Read the whole story for a few more real life time traveller stories. And if you are reading this and are in fact from another spot on our time line, seriously, try the iced coffees. They are de-lish.

[Fortean Times]

Weird Things Live: Hunting the Night Creeper

Wednesday, June 9th, 2010

Weird Things Live: Hunting the Night Creeper from Andrew Mayne on Vimeo.

Last Monday night in front of a live internet audience we set out to solve the mystery of the Night Creeper. Ghost? Frogman? Or something else? Although we’re pretty sure we figured it out, we haven’t definitively proved our theory. The mystery continues…

Running time 55 minutes.

Check out our photos of the scene on Flickr.

Evil Cats Linked To Dangerous Behavior

Wednesday, June 9th, 2010

Evil Cat

Many suspect that cats are “up to something.” Turns out that something is serving as a transportation system for parasites that make humans do foolishly dangerous things.

Toxioplasma gondi is a parasite that generally moves through a cat’s digestive system that is passed on to mice through the cat’s feces. Once infected, the parasite burrows into the internal organs of the mouse causing cysts and eventually making the mouse abandon it’s natural instincts and do everything it can to get the cat to kill it. Once eaten, the parasite passes again through the cat and finds a new host.

Unfortunately, Toxioplasma gondi can also infect other mammals, such as humans. That’s right. These parasites are taking over our brains, driving us to dangerous behavior, and causing mental illness! And all because we keep them in our homes and clean up their waste.

In some populations over 60% of the population is infected. Pregnant women and people with immune diseases can have serious side effects to the parasite, but the rest of us only have to worry about randomly trying to kill ourselves.

Explains base jumping.

[The Economist]

North Korean “Super Drink” Claims To Slow Aging

Tuesday, June 8th, 2010

Super Juice

This past Friday North Korea announced a new “Super Drink” that purports to give consumers a longer and healthier life.  The drink is made from 30 different plants and contains 60 different “micro-elements” to allegedly  multiply brain cells, reduce geriatric diseases, protect skin, and reduce the effects of aging.

This is all according to the North Korean Government’s news agency so stay skeptical, but the product does claim no side-effects. Considering it’s basically a bunch of plants thrown in a blender that’s probably true, but don’t be surprised if you start glowing in the dark from either awesome new super powers or radiation poisioning.

Who wants to try it first?


Good Morning Mr. Sun! New Solar Storms Could Destroy Our Economy

Monday, June 7th, 2010

The sun has awoken from his slumber and you will feel his wrath upon your global positioning satellites and financial services.

Richard Fisher, head of NASA’s Heliophysics Division, explains what it’s all about:

“The sun is waking up from a deep slumber, and in the next few years we expect to see much higher levels of solar activity. At the same time, our technological society has developed an unprecedented sensitivity to solar storms. The intersection of these two issues is what we’re getting together to discuss.”

The National Academy of Sciences framed the problem two years ago in a landmark report entitled “Severe Space Weather Events—Societal and Economic Impacts.” It noted how people of the 21st-century rely on high-tech systems for the basics of daily life. Smart power grids, GPS navigation, air travel, financial services and emergency radio communications can all be knocked out by intense solar activity. A century-class solar storm, the Academy warned, could cause twenty times more economic damage than Hurricane Katrina.

A lot of this could be avoided with preparation by those who run the satellites. So we have that going for us.


Teaser For Weird Things Hunts The Night Creeper

Monday, June 7th, 2010

Weird Things: Night Creeper intro from Andrew Mayne on Vimeo.

Tonight. 9 p.m. EDT. LIVE. Right here on the front page.

A Real-Life Matrix Decides The World’s Fate

Monday, June 7th, 2010

Scientists at the Competence Center for Coping with Crises in Complex Socio-Economic Systems (CCSS) are using a supercomputer to simulate life on Earth with the aim of supplying the systems as virtual advisers to world leaders to consult in times of crisis.

The “Living Earth Simulator” project is using trends from social sites like Facebook and Second Life to  teach the computer how the world works. Hopefully the leaders of the world will allow for a 25% chance of trolling.


Scientist To Drill Deep Into Antarctic Glacier For Life, Haven’t Seen The Thing [WeirdThingsTV]

Monday, June 7th, 2010

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