Disney Killed A Mermaid! [WeirdThingsTV]

Posted by on December 3rd, 2010

4 Responses to “Disney Killed A Mermaid! [WeirdThingsTV]”

  1. barneyj Says:

    disport: to amuse oneself in light or lively fashion… sounds like he might’ve been pleasuring himself.

  2. Thoughtfool Says:

    justin, you look better than you sound but you sound funnier than you look.

  3. Fisty La Rue Says:

    Fking hilarious!

  4. Tony Ley Says:

    Ha! Sharing with my own friends ‘under the sea’ at WDW. Now. About your face. You should already know: http://weirdthings.com/2010/12/horrifying-video-of-a-botfly-maggot-ripping-from-the-flesh-of-delighted-professor/