Archive for 2009

When Vultures Collide

Saturday, March 28th, 2009

Imagine this: You’re in the car, sipping on your morning coffee, jamming along to the radio…then whack…vulture to the face!

Disney’s Junglebook has lead us all to believe that vultures are the inane hippies of the bird family. Vanessa Hurtado knows better. Her pleasant morning was ruined abruptly when a turkey vulture crashed through her windshield. Thankfully she lived to tell the tale. The vulture was not so fortunate. An NBC New York article about the incident informed us that this isn’t the first time a Vulture/Motor Vehicle incident has occurred in New Jersey. In 2004 a motorcyclist took a vulture to the head and did not survive.

If you think those sound like bad days, a woman boating in Florida last year was killed when a 200 pound eagle ray soared out of the water and slammed into her body. Both the ray and the woman were killed on impact. So the next time you feel safe operating a motor vehicle or boat, just remember, you’re not safe on land or at sea.

Haunting – Based on truth or total fiction?

Friday, March 27th, 2009


The new horror flick ‘The Haunting in Connecticut’ claims to be based on the true story of a family that rented a house in Connecticut in 1986, not knowing it was haunted, and became the unwitting victims of demons.
Benjamin Radford over at has turned his skeptical eye on this claim. Take a look.

Buddha and Jesus: Both Ukrainian

Friday, March 27th, 2009

According to Dr. Valery Bebik, a professor and deputy principal at Ukraine University:

”It is quite possible that Buddha belonged to the Scythian nation of Budins that lived on the territory of Ancient Ukraine during the first or the second millennium BC. The name of the nation is still preserved in the names of Ukraine’s contemporary settlements-Seredina-Buda, Buda, and some others,”

This head turning statement is not the first Bedik has made in recent years. Bedik, who also heads up the All-Ukrainian Association of Political Sciences, claims Jesus for Ukraine as well. Are two of the most popular spiritual leaders of all time actually Ukrainian, or does Bedik have nationalism on the brain?

-An article on Dr. Bebik’s comments.

Housing Developers Find Megalithic Stones

Thursday, March 26th, 2009

Sarsen Stones, like the ones pictured above in Avebury, have been found in an unlikely place. A housing development project in Swindon, UK, has unearthed what appear to be sarsen stones. If they do turn out to be the real deal then this is an important archeological find. Are they natural, or are they man made? Find out more at Archaeo News.

-An article about the Swindon Stones.

Druid: The Other White Meat

Thursday, March 26th, 2009

When you think stone henge cannibalism isn't the first thing that comes to mind. But according to a new National Geographic News article the Druids may have ritualistically and zealously practiced cannibalism. This shouldn't come as a major shock. After all, Historical Roman accounts didn't have much favorable to say about them:

Julius Caesar, who led the first Roman landing in 55 B.C., said the native Celts “believe that the gods delight in the slaughter of prisoners and criminals, and when the supply of captives runs short, they sacrifice even the innocent.”

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They sound like cheery London gents. Mmmmm….that's good Druid.

-Link to the article

Mystery Cat on the prowl in Poland

Thursday, March 26th, 2009

Grainy camera footage of the beast.

A big cat, caught on tape, has been attacking livestock in Poland, freaking out local farmers and residents. Poland doesn't have much in the way of big cat populations, so a mystified group from the Krakau Zoo took hair samples from dead animals to determine the beast's origins.


Believers In Life After Death Cling To Life

Wednesday, March 25th, 2009

Polls suggest that 95 percent of the population of the United States believe they will survive their own death. I can’t help wondering how many people who claim such belief really, in their heart of hearts, hold it. If they were truly sincere, shouldn’t they all behave like the Abbot of Ampleforth? When Cardinal Basil Hume told him that he was dying, the abbot was delighted for him: ‘Congratulations! That’s brilliant news. I wish I was coming with you.’ The abbot, it seems, really was a sincere believer. But it is precisely because it is so rare and unexpected that his story catches out attention….wouldn’t you expect that religious people would be the least likely to cling unbecomingly to earthly life?

-From “The God Delusion” by Richard Dawkins

A study published last week in The Journal of the American Medical Association might shed some light on Dawkins’ question. The Study is called ‘Religious Coping and Use of Intensive Life-Prolonging Care Near Death in Patients With Advanced Cancer’. Researchers interviewed hundreds of patients with advanced stages of cancer at Hospitals and Cancer Centers around the US. The results are quite interesting. According to a livescience article about the study:


Excavation Begins on Ancient Underwater Settlement

Wednesday, March 25th, 2009

Ok, it didn’t start underwater….The ancient artificial harbor at Limantepe in Turkey is believed to have been submerged during a massive earthquake in 700 BC. The section of the settlement being excavated is a whopping one kilometer beneath the ocean’s surface. Artifacts found date all the way back to the 7th century BC!

–Archaeologists take to the water at Limantepe site

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Nazi Aliens?

Wednesday, March 25th, 2009


This aerial photograph, taken above a forest in Brandenburg, Germany could be the first evidence we have that Hitler and his chronies were just the first wave in a coming Nazi alien invasion….or it could just be a long forgotten Swastika symbol created by plain old terrestrial Nazis in the thirties. Legend has it that in 1937 either nervous locals created it to prove their loyalty, or that local Hitler Youth did it as a birthday present for Uncle Adolf.

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New Yeti Expedition Kicks Off in Siberia

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009

Prompted by reports of human like creatures near a Siberian cave, a team of investigators lead by Igor Burtsev from the International Center for Hominology is heading out to the tundra to see what they can see:

The local administration has so far received 14 written reports from residents of far-off villages who allegedly saw yetis near the Azasskaya cave. According to the reports, the creatures were heavyset, about two meters’ tall and looking a lot like bears. Their bodies were covered in red and black fur, and they could climb trees.

If they’re successful we might have finally found the elusive Yeti. If not then hopefully this turns out to be some sort of other cool new species we didn’t know about before.

Dragon Attack!

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009

A man was attacked and mauled to death by two Komodo Dragons in Indonesia today. Attacks on humans are usually rare but they’ve become more frequent in recent years, prompting us at to ask, are the Komodos finally on the rise against their human overlords? We hope so.

Feng Shui Experts: Hold Off On US Investment

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009


Hong Kong based Feng Shui consultant Alion Yeo had 170 investors, all worth millions, come to her seminar to ask questions about finance and the economy. And from a reply he gave to a question asked from the audience, it's not looking good for the United States:

“The incoming U.S. president and [Treasury] secretary were both born in the Year of the Ox,” said one client. “Is that a problem?”

Mr. Yeo's answer: Yes. The pair of oxen in charge of the U.S. economy could be an accident waiting to happen. Hold out until after January 2010 before investing in the U.S., he advised.


Ten Dimensions in Ten Minutes

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009

This video over at blew our minds when we first saw it. It is a lucid and concise guide to visualizing ten dimensional string theory from our humble four dimensional perspective. Mind boggling stuff.

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-Or watch it on youtube.

The classic novel Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott is a great primer for visualizing multiple-dimensions.

Strange Structure on the Moon

Monday, March 23rd, 2009

A moon anomaly enthusiast over at has uncovered what he believes to be a “strange structure” in the Copernicus Crater on the moon’s surface. It’s definitely a strange something, but what we can’t say, we’re not astronomers or moon anomaly enthusiasts here at

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First Bigfoot Handprint Found?

Monday, March 23rd, 2009
Creative Commons License photo credit: iwantamonkey

The Bigfoot Enthusiast Group: Elusive Primates of North America (EPNA) claims that they have found a primate like Handprint on Sand Mountain in Alabama. The discovering group from the Alabama Chapter of the EPNA came across the apparent handprint on an expedition in the Sand Mountain area, where they also heard strange animal noises:


Abraham Lincoln Carried Secret Message in his Pocket Watch

Sunday, March 22nd, 2009


Lincoln carried around a clandestine message inscribed on the inside of his pocket watch that he didn’t even know about. Under the advice of the great grandson of the watchmaker who supposedly made the mark, the curators at the Smithsonian Museum sprung open the time piece to unveil the hidden message. What did it say?

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