The Weirdest Thing In The World: Creatures Of Flight
Posted by Justin on July 30th, 2009
We are bumping up this week’s Weirdest Thing in the World from Friday to Thursday since we have previously scheduled travel plans tomorrow at the normal time. So… here is your mission. Find me the weirdest creature on this planet that flies.
– No cryptids
– It can be of any era, so dinosaurs are in play
– If the creature is no longer alive, the illustration has to be from some kind of official source. So no album covers of some metal band with a badass terradactyl gripping a busty maiden whilst souring over a war torn countryside
Email all submissions to JustinRobertYoung@Gmail. I’ll see you kids in the Weird Things TinyChat room at 5:30 p.m. EST where we will hash out the ultimate champion.
Our baseline is going to be this crazy looking bat, find me something weirder.