Red Tape Delays Opening of Ominous Chamber in Great Pyramid

Monday, May 21st, 2012

Two mysterious ‘doors’ deep inside Egypt’s Great Pyramid were slowly being explored by tiny robots…until political unrest and paperwork brought everything to a screeching halt.

The Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) has paused what’s known as the Djedi Project and asked them to resubmit their permits in order to continue burrowing into the depths of the Great Pyramid.

Robots began crawling into the Great Pyramid in 1993 in order to explore what was thought to be shafts that allowed the pharaoh’s soul to escape to the afterlife. While two of the four shafts simply led outside, the other two led deeper into the pyramid dead-ending at what’s called “Gantenbrink’s door.”

What lies beyond that will be a mystery until all the proper paperwork clears and the project resumes.

Pretty sure we’re all secretly having nerd-dreams that there’s a Stargate down there somewhere.

[Discovery News]