Lightning round: a toilet in Austria. What will this monkey do when left to its own (cleaning) devices? Habit-forming in great apes. A dissertation on the causes of laughter and I Think You Should Leave season 2 (mild spoilers for season 2). Richard Branson takes off to space and we’re almost turned around with having options! Got something weird? Email, subject line “Weird Things.”
A new ancient human fossil is discovered in Israel and it could be a new Homo off-shoot. A brief examination of simultaneous Homo species in just the past one million years. Has doing a consumer ancestral test affected your life? Crimes on YouTube–what’s fair game and over-the-line? Can we have a new type of compression beyond video compression? Got something weird? Email, subject line “Weird Things.”
It’s the hottest show of the year: CSI 3,000 Years Ago (YEAHHHH). Wild birds won’t become overly dependant on your feeders. The government finally released its UAP report and we’ve been on this UFOs-aren’t-real tip for months! Our favorite VR game is getting an expansion and we blue-sky VR experiences. Got something weird? Email, subject line “Weird Things.”
A military base in Japan is under attack! Plus, circus tricks. GTAV: GAN Andreas. A farmhouse with a surprise feature. Got something weird? Email, subject line “Weird Things.”
A bike that stands on its own! It might be hard to talk about medicinal plants. Smart bees or thirsty bees? The ozone layer says “hey, thanks for the pandemic!” Got something weird? Email, subject line “Weird Things.”
Jeff Bezos and his brother are being shot into space–who would you take with you? A new study says sighted and nonsighted people can learn functioning echolocation in less than 3 months. Lots of bird eggs, very few birds. With special guest Joe Diamond. Got something weird? Email, subject line “Weird Things.”
While the nation is gripped with UFO trends, it’s important to remember the gulf between reality and fiction. How video of a pyramidal UFO is easily manufactured. Nate Silver has set odds on if COVID was natural or lab-born. Pandemic conspiracies and espionage. An origin on Florida airport monkeys. Google wants to advance beyond simple video-calling. Got something weird? Email, subject line “Weird Things.”
Andrew got the shot! The CDC says fully-vaccinated people do not need to wear a mask almost all the time. What would it look like IF (completely speculatively for realsies) COVID originated from a lab leak? A Canadian bike ride GONE WRONG. China lands on Mars and we believe them! Got something weird? Email, subject line “Weird Things.”
Tower of Human Skulls – Super nova communication? – Capuchin Crypt – ‘Blueberries’ on Mars Got something weird? Email, subject line “Weird Things.”
Whoa, cool photo! The everyday impact of space dust. Snakes: how are we related to them? A very polite zoo-break. Got something weird? Email, subject line “Weird Things.”
Alaska shoppers are bedeviled by ravens! NASA says we’re safe for 100 years (kinda). Bears: sickly friendly. Black holes, sharper than ever! Got something weird? Email, subject line “Weird Things.”
SpaceX’s Falcon 9 has been re-used a historic number of times. How much re-using a rocket would be acceptable? NFTs: what are they, what is their value, and what could you do with this technology? Got something weird? Email, subject line “Weird Things.”
Let’s creep out Bryce! Allan Mcdonald, who refused to sign off on the Challenger launch, has passed away. A look back on his heroic stand, the context around the tragic launch, and the various risks involved in space flight. A new article against going to Mars and a critical look at the journey to Mars. A new possible breakthrough in targetted medication? Got something weird? Email, subject line “Weird Things.”
What makes Andrew’s new friend Elizabeth Ann so special? The oldest DNA ever sequenced. Deepfakes are taking over the world. Got something weird? Email, subject line “Weird Things.”