Archive for the ‘Aliens’ Category

G’Gugvuntt or Vl’hurg? [Weirdest Alien Photos]

Wednesday, July 7th, 2010

Everyday this week…Brett Rounsaville brings us the Weirdest “True Life” Alien Pictures ever taken.

Much like George Washington after chopping down the last of the alien cherry trees, I cannot tell a lie. 99.9% of the reason I chose today’s picture was because it reminded me of this shirt (click on the image there to enlarge it) and it made me giggle.

The other .1% of the reason is that you just don’t see enough variation in alien photos or accounts. Four feet tall, big eyes, blah, blah, blah…

You lost me at, “Did I ever tell you about the time I was probed?”

It’s reassuring to know that in the off chance that we’re being visited by aliens capable of mutilating cows maybe these little guys are giving squirrels a run for their money.

Also, even if it’s just a tiny little carving…it’s still pretty impressive.

Same game/same rules as yesterday. I have ZERO idea as to the origin of this critter. If you can tell me who made it or “authenticated” it leave the answer in the comment section for a genuine, one-of-a-kind no-prize!

What do you think? Real or fake? Have you seen a weirder alien photo? If the answer is yes then, for the love of all things strange, why haven’t you posted it in the comments yet?!

Alien or Grandma? [Weirdest Alien Photos]

Tuesday, July 6th, 2010

Everyday this week…Brett Rounsaville brings us the Weirdest “True Life” Alien Pictures ever taken.

Partly in a celebration of the anniversary of the Roswell incident, partly because it’s a shortened holiday week filled with travel and partly out of sheer laziness, this week we will be looking at some of the weirdest “real” alien photos you’ve ever seen (and hopefully I won’t babble on about them for too long, thereby totally negated the timesaving ploy of only dealing with pictures this week and forcing myself to look inward for time-wasting faults when sporting an already severely weakened ego. Uh-oh. This is going to be bad isn’t it…).

Let’s get on with it.

This is one of my early favorites. Not so much because of its startlingly genuine looking appearance and believability as a really for real alien, but because of its startlingly genuine looking appearance and believability as a candid snapshot of my grandmother passed out on her couch after an all night Charles Shaw bender.

Honestly, the resemblance is striking, the glassy eyes, the lolling tongue, the feverish sweat…I love you, Grandma. We’ll get you help. I promise.

Here’s a little game we’ll probably be playing a lot this week: this picture is all over the internet but I couldn’t, for the life of me, find the initial source. If you can figure out where this picture came from and the story behind it please leave the answer in the comments section to win a genuine, long-distance, virtual pat-on-the-back!

Show of hands. How many of you think aliens 1) exist, 2) have landed on Earth, 3) have made contact, and/or 4) are responsible for Glenn Beck’s career?

Podcast: Destroyer of Worlds

Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

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Find out which of the three used to wear a Spider-Man costume under his clothes and which ones just wore ladies underwear. Listen to them describe their plans to capture a sea beast, fight alligators and find proof of Son of Hogzilla. Also, it becomes painfully obvious that when Justin, Brian and Andrew are a dying alien civilization’s last chance for survival, it’s better to die screaming in the night then hope to see another tomorrow.

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Does Saturn’s Moon Hold the Answers to Extraterrestrial Life?

Friday, June 11th, 2010


NASA has cautiously released data from their Cassini spacecraft that suggests Saturn’s moon Titan could by the home to some form of alien life.

The data shows hydrogen funneling down through the atmosphere then mysteriously disappearing as it hits the surface, which is exactly what would happen if there was a life form on Titan that consumed hydrogen instead of oxygen. Regardless of whether there is life there or not we won’t be holding a block party any time soon.

As always scientists remain skeptical, but it’s possible we may finally MAKE CONTACT without having to venture out of The Milky Way.


Who Wants In On A Million Dollar Bigfoot Hunt?

Friday, May 21st, 2010

Dan Aykroyd Explains Why 9/11 Ruined Our Relationship With Law Breaking Aliens

Thursday, May 13th, 2010

Larry King’s ratings are in the toilet and he’s going through a very public divorce in which his child’s baseball coach has admitted to spending time in King’s estranged wife’s dugout.

So how does he keep it together?

Invite on Dan Aykroyd and let him ramble on about aliens breaking the law and being disgusted by 9/11.


Stephen Hawking Warns Us Of Impending Alien Invasion Threat

Sunday, April 25th, 2010


Stephen Hawking is a world renown thinker and a one of a kind personality. Now, he’s also the guy who can flop the “told ya so” card when we are enslaved by a nomadic race of aliens.

“We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet,” the award-winning British scientist said in a series for the Discovery Channel, “Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking.”

To drive the point home, Hawking argued that aliens visiting Earth would likely be the same as when explorers first arrived in the New World.

“If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn’t turn out well for the Native Americans,” he said.

His solution: stop trying to talk to aliens. Our solution: welcome our new wise and just overlords with open arms.

Professor Wants Students To Major In UFO Studies

Wednesday, April 14th, 2010


Do you want to study UFOs through college? Niagra County Community College just became your number one application.

The studing of UFOs and other unexplained phenomena from space should be a legitimate university subject, an American professor, Philip Haseley, has claimed….

The Niagara County Community College, a state university in New York, lecturer said due to the high amount of sightings every year, it should follow that students should be able to investigate phenomenon.

(A sighting) happens to millions of people (around the world),” he said.

“It’s about time we looked into this as a worthy area of study.

“It’s important that the whole subject be brought out in the open and investigated.”

Let’s be honest, it makes more sense than a philosophy degree…

[Telegraph via Derren Brown blog]

New Astronomy Technology Hunts For Alien Life, Our Very Origins

Wednesday, April 14th, 2010

New LOFAR Telescope Network Probes Universe_s Low-Frequency Radiation to Look for Oldest Regions and Alien Civilizations | Popular Science.jpg

As per Popular Science:

Until recently, radio astronomers have concentrated almost exclusively on the high-energy radiation streaming in towards Earth from exotic stellar bodies like pulsars, quasars, and super-massive black holes. But now, a new European observatory called the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) has begun releasing data on the low-energy radiation that permeates the Universe.

While seemingly less sexy than high-energy research, low-energy radiation actually allows scientists to look even deeper into the past, to within 500,000 years of the Big Bang, and will provide a much more detailed account of some of the most mysterious periods of the Universe’s earliest days of existence. LOFAR is also going to be used by SETI to search for faint signs of extraterrestrial life.

Heavy, Doc.


Report: 1 In 5 Adults Believes Aliens Are On Earth Disguised As Humans

Monday, April 12th, 2010


From The Telegraph:

The poll questioned 23,000 adults in 22 countries and found that more than 40 per cent of people from India and China believe that alien life exists with a human facade on this planet.

European respondents in the survey were more sceptical with only eight per cent of people from Belgium, Sweden and the Netherlands convinced that life from outer space exists on earth.

Men were more likely to believe in extra-terrestrial life than women with 22 per cent convinced compared to 17 per cent of women.

Although most of those who do believe in aliens were under 35 they came from all incomes and classes. There was no breakdown for British respondents.

Thanks to Dodd Vickers for passing this along.

How To Make Crop Circles… By Amtrekker

Wednesday, January 6th, 2010

Brett Rounsaville is special to iTricks. Follow his hobo adventure at


After nearly two years wandering America as a homeless vagrant I’m no stranger to the weird. Like a bedbug outbreak it jumps quickly from city to city, always lurking just beneath the sheets. Sometimes you have to flip over your Temperpedic and bust out the magnifying glass, but make no mistake, weird moves fast, procreates faster, and it’s just waiting for its chance to leave its itchy red marks on each and every one of us.

Beulah, MI

Fact: Northern Michigan is known the world over for three things. Cherries, unemployment and locals eager to help out a vagrant on a quest to experience weirdness first hand and create a crop circle.

Upon hearing of my desire to learn to speak the language of the aliens (a.k.a. stomp on a bunch of plants using boards and rope) Amber, Colton, Brandon and cameraman Andy contacted me with the promise of untold acres of cover crop with which I could have my way. Knowing there was a giant blank canvas of Russian Knapweed at my disposal, how could I not hightail it to Beulah?!

However, things didn’t go quite so well as one would hope.

Apparently the aliens know a few tricks I don’t.

I’m done.


Podcast: Dark Territory/White Meat

Tuesday, December 1st, 2009

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In this episode Brian is forced to make a choice involving cannibalism and his family and utters the phrase that will haunt his children for years to come, “Cannibalism ain’t as bad as it used to be”. Andrew struggles to explain the Singularity so he can prove why he’s right and everyone else is wrong about aliens visiting us and we all fail miserably at imagining the world in 20 years. Plus we provide first ever proof that Harry Houdini made contact with the Old Ones of the Chuthlu Mythos.

Link: Ray Kurzweil’s TED talk on the Singularity University
Link: PDF of Beneath the Pyramids (Published as Imprisoned with the Pharoahs)

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The Almost Alien Abduction

Saturday, November 14th, 2009

The following report from over 100 years ago purports to be the first documented encounter between man and alien. It seems the aliens made a gross misjudgment in how much carry-on baggage they were allowed and were unable to take a human souvenir.

Reported by the “Stockton Evening Mail” November 25th, 1896.


“Were it not for the fact that I was not alone when I witnessed the strange sight I would never have mentioned it at all. Wednesday afternoon I went out to Lodi and Lockeford in company with Camille Spooner, a young man recently arrived from Nevada. I went to the places mentioned in quest of material to form an exhibit to represent this county at the Fresno Citrus Fair. We left Lodi on the return trip, I should judge, shortly before 6 o’clock, and we were jogging along quietly when the horse stopped suddenly and gave a snort of terror.”

“Looking up we beheld three strange beings. They resembled humans in many respects, but still they were not like anything I had ever seen. They were nearly or quite seven feet high and very slender. We were both somewhat startled, as you may readily imagine, and the first impulse was to drive on. The horse, however, refused to budge, and when we saw that we were being regarded more with an air of curiosity than anything else, we concluded to get out and investigate. I walked up to where the strange looking persons were and addressed them. I asked where they were from. They seemed not to understand me, but began – well, “warbling” expresses it better than talking. Their remarks, if such you would call them, were addressed to each other, and sounded like a monotonous chant, inclined to be guttural. I saw it was no use to attempt a conversation, so I satisfied myself with watching and examining them. They seemed to take great interest in ourselves, the horse and buggy, and scrutinized everything very carefully.”


“While they were thus engaged I was enabled to inspect them as well. As I have already stated, they were seven feet in height and very slender. I noticed, further, that their hands were quite small and delicate, and that their fingers were without nails. Their feet, however, were nearly twice as long as those of an ordinary man, though they were narrow, and the toes were also long and slender. I noticed, too, that they were able to use their feet and toes much the same as a monkey; in fact, they appeared to have much better use of their feet than their hands. I presently discovered that this was probably a provision of nature. As one of then came close to me I reached out to touch him, and placing my hand under his elbow pressed gently upward, and lo and behold I lifted him from the ground with scarcely an effort. I should judge that the specific gravity of the creature was less than an ounce. It was then that I observed him try to grasp the earth with his toes to prevent my lifting him. You can readily understand that their slight weight made such a provision necessary, or they might be blown away.”

“They were without any sort of clothing, but were covered with a natural growth hard to describe; it was not hair, neither was it like feathers, but it was as soft as silk to the touch, and their skin was like velvet. Their faces and heads were without hair, the ears were very small, and the nose had the appearance of polished ivory, while the eyes were large and lustrous. The mouth, however, was small, and it seemed to me that they were without teeth. That and other things led me to believe that they neither ate nor drank, and that life was sustained by some sort of gas. Each of them had swung under the left arm a bag to which was attached a nozzle, and every little while one or the other would place the nozzle on his mouth, at which time I heard a sound of escaping gas. It was much the same sound as is produced by a person blowing up a football.”


“From the description I give I do not want you to get the idea that these creatures were hideous. In appearance they were markedly the contrary. They were possessed of a strange and indescribable beauty. I can express myself in no other way. They were graceful to a degree, and more divinely beautiful than anything I ever beheld.”

“The strangest part of the story is yet to come. It is the lights they carried. Each held to his hand something about the size of a hen’s egg. Upon holding them up and partly opening the hand, these substances emitted the most remarkable, intense and penetrating light one can imagine. Notwithstanding its intensity it had no unpleasant effect upon our eyes, and we found we could gaze directly at it. It seemed to me to be some sort of luminous mineral, though they had complete control of it.”

“Finally they became tired of examining us and our horse and buggy, and then one of them, at a signal from one who appeared to be the leader, attempted to lift me, probably with the intention of carrying me away. Although I made not the slightest resistance he could not move me, and finally the three of them tried it without the slightest success. They appeared to have no muscular power outside of being able to move their own limbs.”


“Well, after trying in vain to move either of us they turned in the direction of the Woodbridge canal, near which we were, and as they flashed their lights towards the bridge we beheld a startling sight. There, resting in the air about twenty feet above the water, was an immense airship. It was 150 feet in length at least, though probably not over twenty feet in diameter at the widest part. It was pointed at both ends, and outside of a large rudder there was no visible machinery. The three walked rapidly toward the ship, not as you or I walk, but with a swaying motion, their feet only touching the ground at intervals of about fifteen feet. We followed them as rapidly as possible, and reached the bridge as they were about to embark. With a little spring they rose to the machine, opened a door in the side, and disappeared within. I do not know of what the affair was built, but just before it started I struck it with a rock and it gave no sound. It went through the air very rapidly and expanded and contracted with a muscular motion, and was soon out of sight.”

“I have a theory, which, of course, is only a theory, that those we beheld were inhabitants of Mars, who haw been sent to the earth for the purpose of securing one of its inhabitants. I feel safe in asserting that the stories being told by certain San Francisco attorneys are clumsy fakes, and should not be given credence by anyone.”

-Colonel H.G. Shaw. Lodi California.

Podcast: No Sign of Intelligent Life

Thursday, November 12th, 2009

weird things podcast SMIn this episode the brain trust can’t figure out a practical application for teleportation, has a heated debate over the ideal super fortress and almost comes to fisticuffs over the possibility that we’ve been visited by alien life.

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Video of Mystery UFO Spotted over Moscow

Sunday, October 11th, 2009

Check out this video that’s eerily remiscent of the 1980’s TV series V and District 9 (if the aliens spaceships were made from vaporous ice crystals and not actual technology…).

The Sun has an article here on it: Mystery UFO halo in clouds over Moscow | The Sun |News

Hitler Learning How To Paint Is The Weirdest Alien Abduction Story In The World

Friday, September 18th, 2009

Here is a link to the story about Hitler’s painting lessons aboard an alien craft, long before he became the power-mad dictator we came to revile.

Thanks to Matt Finley and VenomV for helping with the chat.