Author Archive

Did You Watch Harry Potter? You’re Possessed By Demons! [WeirdThingsTV]

Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010

Ebola Detector Invented

Monday, November 22nd, 2010


Can’t recognize the signs of the Ebola virus? Want a quick and easy way to know if your friend is a carrier? Say hello to the new Ebola and Marbug virus detector.

“By enabling ultra-portable and fast detection, our technology can directly impact the course of our reaction against bio-terrorism threats and dramatically improve our capability to confine viral outbreaks,” said Assistant Professor Hatice Altug of the Boston University College of Engineering, who co-led the research team with Assistant Professor John Connor of the Boston University School of Medicine.

Maybe this doesn’t fit until your daily life now but just wait until they develop one for vampirism.

[Science Daily]

“I Was Kidnapped By Sasquatch!” [WeirdThingsTV]

Friday, November 19th, 2010

The Scarlett Johansson Of Squids Is Finally Found!

Friday, November 19th, 2010


It glows deep red. It’s two feet long. It is your new standard in marine life glamour.

A large new species of deep red, glowing squid has been discovered living near undersea mountains in the southern Indian Ocean, scientists announced Monday.

At about 28 inches (70 centimeters) long, the as yet unnamed species is relatively big—though other squid can reach as long as 65 feet (20 meters), some species are barely three quarters of an inch (1.5 centimeters).

Bask in the beauty.

[Nat Geo]

Who Covered Up Cuba’s Secret UFO History? [WeirdThingsTV]

Thursday, November 18th, 2010

Gotcha! Antimatter Created, Captured

Wednesday, November 17th, 2010


We’ve finally demonstrated the ability to create and sustain antimatter.

In a new study, physicists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva were able to create 38 antihydrogen atoms and preserve each for more than one-tenth of a second. The project was part of the ALPHA (Antihydrogen Laser PHysics Apparatus) experiment, an international collaboration that includes physicists from the University of California, Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL).

It is thought that most antimatter was eliminated shortly after the Big Bang. This will go a long way to our understanding of the mysterious phenomenon.

Or it will create Negaduck.

[Live Science]

Space Race 2: Private Parts

Tuesday, November 16th, 2010


Dust off that old jingoism and get your down payment’s ready, the Space Race is back and this time we’re getting all private sector up in this piece.

Russian companies are facing off with US competition to get a privately owned space station all up in great beyond within the next five years.

Both seek put up far more durable models that can survive debris impacts. The American candidate already has tacit commitment from six international space agencies should they get their project functioning. It’s possible the station could be fired into space by a Falcon 9 rocket, as created by Elon Musk’s company SpaceX.

In a related story: WOOOOOO! USA! USA!


T-Rex Was Even More Terrifying Than Initially Thought

Tuesday, November 16th, 2010

According to an new study, we might have underestimated a T.rex’s foot speed by up to 45%. New computer modeling shows the beast’s massive tail is indicative of more powerful leg muscles than we’d previously given him credit for.

Also, scientists like to say funny things:

T. rex’s athleticism (and its rear end) has been given a makeover by University of Alberta graduate student Scott Persons. His extensive research shows that powerful tail muscles made the giant carnivore one of the fastest moving hunters of its time.

As Persons says, “contrary to earlier theories, T. rex had more than just junk in its trunk.”

At least he didn’t say badonkadonk.

[Science Daily]

Man Baits Bigfoot With Candy Bar, Gets Video Evidence! [WeirdThingsTV]

Tuesday, November 16th, 2010

The Science Behind The Repositioning Of Male Nipples

Monday, November 15th, 2010


Did you know that male nipples need to be surgically detached and repositioned sometimes? Then you probably didn’t know that the same Golden Ratio used in modern architecture is employed to make sure a gentlemen’s chest nubs look A-OK.


[Improbable Research]

Did A German Film Crew Really Exhume Andy Kaufman? [Fact Or Hoax?]

Monday, November 15th, 2010

The music is creepy and the alleged act is even grislier. Is this really a video of a German film crew digging up the remains of Andy Kaufman to prove he isn’t really running around in a Tony Clifton outfit?

What do you folks think? Fact or hoax?

Thanks to reader Zakk for passing this along.

The Biggest Roaches To Ever Skitter Across The Earth Are Living Right Now

Friday, November 12th, 2010

Sometimes, science tells us things we didn’t particularly need to know. Why are roaches getting bigger? Live Science investigates…

[Live Science]

Shocking Conspiracy Theories About California Mystery Missile Launch! [WeirdThingsTV]

Wednesday, November 10th, 2010

HIV Makes Beautiful Music

Wednesday, November 10th, 2010


A graduate student attending the University of Georgia has created a 52-minute album featuring musically transcribed HIV afflicted DNA.

On sale now at Amazon!

[Amazon via reader Tess]

Smoking Chimp Discovered In Lebanon, Deported To Brazil

Wednesday, November 10th, 2010


If you were discovered in Beirut, as the center of attention making everyone around you laugh it up only to be found by some new friends who insist you travel with them to Brazil, you might think yourself a pretty lucky jet setter.

If you are Omega the chimpanzee, it’s even more impressive. Sure he was nabbed by animal rights workers who were revolted by the idea of him blowing buts in a Lebanon zoo. But still, free trip to Brazil!

“The chimp still regularly smokes … if someone will throw him a cigarette he’d pick it up and go for it straight away,” said Jason Meier, executive director for animal rights group Animals Lebanon.

Organizers of Omega’s evacuation say it marks the first time a chimpanzee has been rescued in Lebanon, a country with virtually no animal rights protection laws.

In his younger years, Omega was used in one of the local restaurants to entertain people and was made to smoke cigarettes and serve water pipes to customers. After he grew stronger, he was locked up and taken to a zoo where for the past 10 years he has lived in a cage measuring 430 square feet (40 square meters).

Hopefully, they packed some Nicorette. Quitting smoking could be quite the monkey on Omega’s back.


Rocket Launchers, Contrails, Batman: The Best Mystery Missile Conspiracy Theories

Tuesday, November 9th, 2010

It left a vapor trail as it soared into the sky but the questions have lingered far longer as we ponder “what was that California mystery missle after all?”

Predictably, conspiracy theories abound:

We launched an ICBM from a submarine while Obama was out to town to show we’re still hardcore: this comes from Former Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Ellsworth in the video above although he cautioned that we should wait for official confirmation from the military.

It’s a mobile launcher from the USS Ronald Reagan: Despite the defense department denying it was a scheduled launch, some are speculating that the missile came from the general area of the USS Ronald Reagan. Two problems, the size of the weapon is off from what is equipped on the ship and the USS RR was supposed to be en route to help a stranded Carnival Cruise ship.

It’s a jet contrail: According to a Harvard professor the direction and shape of the vapor looks consistent with a jet contrail illuminated by the low angel of a setting sun. This of course leaves the option for chemtrail open.

Batman has finally banished Mr. Freeze to space: On the unofficial Twitter @God_Damn_Batman, the Dark Knight offered a tacit explanation…

Not saying I had anything to do with that missile off the coast of CA. But I hope the vacuum of space is cold enough for you, Mr. Freeze.

We are down with all of these.