Houdini Octopus Makes Mad Dash For Freedom

Posted by on June 10th, 2009

Portobello Aquarium, New Zealand: Sid the Octopus is finally set free after several successful escape attempts from his tank. An article in The Independent reports on his daring escape attempts:

Matthew Crane, Portobello’s senior aquarist, came in one morning to find Sid gone. Staff looked high and low. One of his tank’s sliding plastic doors was ajar but it was not clear whether someone had left it open by mistake, or whether he had opened it himself. Five days later, he was found inside a drainage system that pumps sea water through the aquarium. He was trying to sidle out through a door.

Octopuses are some of the smartest creatures in the animal kingdom, it’s what makes them such good escape artists. Not having a spine doesn’t hurt either.

3 Responses to “Houdini Octopus Makes Mad Dash For Freedom”

  1. CXB Says:

    Umm, octopuses don't have spines. That's what you meant, right?

  2. 123aquatropicalfish123 Says:

    Awesome creature, thanks for sharing such a nice pic.


  3. 123aquatropicalfish123 Says:

    Awesome creature, thanks for sharing such a nice pic.
