Toe Cheese – It’s What’s For Dinner
Posted by Tony on November 22nd, 2013Nope. We know what you’re wishing and your hopes are wrong. That’s not an old rice cake that someone dropped under the couch six months ago. It’s not a urinal cake either…because even that wouldn’t be as bad.
It’s exactly what your brain is screaming that it wasn’t right now…
That’s a block of cheese grown from…hold on to your lunch and put down anything you might be eating right now, kids…
Human toe cheese.
Not only did Christina Agapakis and Sissel Tolaas, who’re a part of an exhibit in Dublin called Grow Your Own…Life After Nature that is full of projects like this, create cheese wheels made from toe cheese. No. They swung for the wall by creating cheese wheels grown from other yummy ingredients like armpit sweat and bellybutton debris.
By scraping the bacteria from places that make every single one of cringe, they cultured that bacteria into cheese wheels that no one should ever, ever, EVER eat for fear of being that person for the rest of their lives.
But then again…if you served it to someone and they didn’t know what it was? Would that be a bad thing if they liked it?
You can let your last meal come up now.