WT: The Weird Wars
Posted by Bryce on July 19th, 2022
We talk about the first images released from the James Webb Space Telescope and some of the oddities you might have missed. Researchers think they’ve found a new mammal that farms, but the jury’s still out. 20 questions: why is a man suing Bass Pro Shops? Rounded out with some interesting DALL-E ideas: what does DALL-E think a Tesla vacuum or fridge would look like? Got something weird? Email neshcom@gmail.com, subject line “Weird Things.”
LINK: Mike Hassaballa “DALLĀ·E 2 Imagines Tesla Household Products” https://medium.datadriveninvestor.com/dall-e-2-imagines-tesla-household-products-df2fae7254df
No After Things this week!
Brian: The Bob’s Burgers Movie and The Old Man
Bryce: Bad Sport – “Need for Weed”
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