WT: Whipping out our Venuses
Posted by Bryce on September 12th, 2017
The colonizing Mars vs. Venus debate heats up. AI can play video games, but could it make them? #JourneyQuest: Aboard the Hindenburg X, will Brian and Justin help out the mysterious forces aboard? Get Andrew’s new book, The Naturalist, for free this month if you have Prime! Got something weird? Email neshcom@gmail.com, subject line “Weird Things.”
PBS video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJ5KV3rzuag
Paper on Mario synthesis (pdf) https://www.cc.gatech.edu/~riedl/pubs/ijcai17.pdf
Andrew: Rick and Morty
Justin: The Looming Tower
Brian: A Gentleman in Moscow
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