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Russian Fishermen Report Rash of Yeti Sightings
Wednesday, September 26th, 2012Yeti sightings are up throughout Russia! In fact, what could be a pack of the mysterious cryptids have repeatedly come in contact with various groups of Siberian fishermen.
One person who reported spying the beast said “We shouted, ‘Do you need help?’ They rushed away, all in fur, walking on two legs, making their way through the bushes and with two other limbs, straight up the hill.
The person who made the report added: “It could not be bears, as the bear walks on all fours, and they ran on two. Then they were gone.”
On a second sighting on the bank of the Mras-Su River several days later, an unnamed fisherman was quoted as saying: “We saw some tall animals looking like people.”
Yeti expert Igor Burtsev, who has previously claimed to be in possession of a Yeti hair sample, says the recent uptick in sightings is worth noting. He also believes a pack of 30 are currently living in the Kemerovo region of Russia.
[Fox News]
Podcast: Oh Brother
Friday, September 21st, 2012Imagine you are an amazing actor, revered by your peers, honored for your dedication to your craft. Then… your idiot brother changes everything. Andrew tells us of the biggest case of sibling sabotage in American history. Brian maintains that the less we become human, the more we are preserving the human race. A heated argument breaks out over a scenario involving SkyNet, monkey foot soldiers and a chip that brings a massive intelligence upgrade.
It’s a terrifying new episode of Weird Things!
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Podcast: Running Over Bigfoot Live From DragonCon
Thursday, September 13th, 2012The boys are united in front of a live audience at Dragon*Con in Atlanta, GA! This total surprise panel is enhanced by the ever elusive Amtrekker himself Brett Rounsaville, they ruminate on all things weird in a darkened room with several dozen of their closest friends.
A mysterious beast seeks to tear Brian’s head off unless he thinks of something quickly. We are introduced to the darling English company of Mildred and friends when an inspector has to determine why she has a mysterious shaft in the middle of her house. Meanwhile, Andrew and Justin is horrified to learn how Brett and Brian would handle Bigfoot roadkill.
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Illusion Makes You Believe You Have a Third Arm
Tuesday, September 11th, 2012Researchers in Sweden have successfully created the illusion of people feeling sensations in three arms at the same time.
In five separate laboratory experiments, 154 volunteers were seated with their hands on a table and a rubber arm was placed next to their right arm. A sheet covered their shoulders and elbows, creating the illusion that the person had three arms. ( Source: Science Daily)
Researchers stroked the both the real and fake arms with a brush simultaneously until 7 out of 10 subjects reported feeling sensation in both limbs. They then threatened the fake arm with a knife and measured recognizable stress in heart rate that is normally associated with the threat of bodily harm.
The study could be helpful in helping amputees better accept prosthetics.
Podcast: Resssscue Rangers
Thursday, August 30th, 2012A man attempts to smuggle a mysterious creature on an airplane, before the the cops uncover his terrifying secret. A Playboy playmate is busted for moving some serious weight south of the border. A Kickstarter involving a favorite Weird Things topic is debated by Brian and Andrew. A murderous beast stalks in a public Los Angeles park. We offend all of the British Empire.
Also, a brand new insurance policy against danger that’s sssssssssssssssssure to please.
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Podcast: The Man Who Never Stopped Growing
Thursday, August 23rd, 2012Andrew tells us about a man who realizes he is the lone survivor of a violent legacy, or is he? The boys line up to defend poor Thomas Edison from a brigade of internet meanies. An Austrian man was tiny at 21, what happened from there was extraordinary. Would you grow a quarter inch ever month for the rest of your life or shrink? An inventor is found dead… it’s up to Brian and Justin to deduce what killed him.
Support the show by purchasing Andrew’s BRAND NEW BOOK Hollywood Pharaohs just click on the image below.

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• Rooser-fil-a
The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat
Tuesday, August 21st, 2012
Okay, “speed” might not be the optimum word. But this hover craft sure cuts a dashing Star Wars-ian figure. California firm Aerofex, may have very well revolutionized hover flight after designing a model that responds to natural balance instead of relying on computer navigation or flight software.
“Think of it as lowering the threshold of flight, down to the domain of ATV’s (all-terrain vehicles),” said Mark De Roche, an aerospace engineer and founder of Aerofex.
Such intuitive controls could allow physicians to fly future versions of the vehicle to visit rural patients in places without roads, or enable border patrol officers to go about their duties without pilot training.
Real. Life. Star. Wars. Speeder. Bike.
[Fox News]
Podcast: Welcome to Terror World
Thursday, August 16th, 2012Brian returns from Indonesia with exotic tales of live television performances and flash fame. Also, a very special fan repays Brian’s kindness in a way that leaves him flabbergasted. Andrew reveals that he’s living next door to a snake the size of two Yao Mings put together. Brown recluse spiders finally learn to get out a little more. The boys invent a new theme park entitled Terror World, which is worse than it sounds. They gauge the kill capacity of a chimp.
ALL THAT and the long awaited review of Dark Knight Rises.
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About that 17 Foot Pregnant Python in the Everglades…
Tuesday, August 14th, 2012Please watch video of this beast before we post the new episode of Weird Things on Wednesday.
UFO or Famous Landmark?
Monday, July 30th, 2012
In this clip, a particularly well placed line of cloud cover makes the Seattle Space Needle look closer to a space ship.
Check out the moving footage.
Podcast: Goat Man Rises
Thursday, July 26th, 2012A new hero scrambles through craggy hills of Utah, but what are his true intentions? Can we trust him? A motivational speaker convinces thousands to walk across coals leading to a wave of horrified painful screams and third degree burns. Is there are real problem or are we dealing with a rogue pack of quitters? The Mars rover is about to touch down, but what would discovery of life on Mars really mean?
Look at those cavemen go, it’s a brand new Weird Things Podcast!
Support the show by purchasing Andrew’s BRAND NEW BOOK Hollywood Pharaohs just click on the image below.

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• And Then I Thought I Was A Fish
David Copperfield at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas
Goat Man Mystery Solved!
Wednesday, July 25th, 2012The great Goat Man hunt is over. Authorities have heard from the man in question and are satisfied at his explanation:
A mysterious man spotted earlier this month dressed in a goat suit on a Utah mountain has been identified as a Southern California hunter preparing for an archery hunt of mountain goats.
Phil Douglass of the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources told the Standard-Examiner Monday the elusive man is a 57-year-old hunter from Southern California.
Apparently he was just testing his new suit to see how well he could blend in with the goats.
Or, that’s what we are being told.
This could be the beginning of Utah law enforcement relying on this unidentified vigilante to do the job they can’t. He’s the goat they deserve, but not the one they need right now. We’ll chase him because he can take it. He’s a silent guardian, a watchful protector…
A white goat.
The Great Goatman Hunt Is On!
Monday, July 23rd, 2012
His name is Goatman. He is the Carly Rae Jepsen of Cryptids. So new. So hot.
So… Goatman.
Pictures of the possible genetic freak have circulated amongst various blogs. Local authorities are at a loss. We certainly hope that any reader in the Utah area is ready to try and hunt down this dynamo scrambling up and down the craggy hills.
Hey I just met you, and this is crazy. But everybody, go Goatman crazy!
Tony Robbins Defends Coal Walking After 21 Are Burned During Demonstration
Monday, July 23rd, 2012
Motivational speaker Tony Robbins has long made a living off of unleashing the “power within” by asking those taking his seminars to walk across a bed of hot coals.
But last Thursday when the “heat without” took their toll on the tootsies of 21 attendees, sending them to the hospital with second and third degree burns. Robbins is now defending the practice.
“We have been safely providing this experience for more than three decades. We continue to work with local fire and emergency personnel to ensure this event is always done in the safest way possible,” Robbins said in a statement released by his office.
All of the sizzle footed followers are expected to make full recoveries from a scene one man described to the San Jose Mercury News as “wails of pain, screams of agony.”
That’s probably just the weakness leaving.

Podcast: Snap Into A Placenta Slim Jim
Wednesday, July 18th, 2012A mouse is spliced with the genetic essence of one America’s greatest entertainers, will he be scientifically validated a hybrid legacy for the singing legend? A gang of consumers, upset with the product of local merchant decides to take matters into their own hands. And mouths. Will eating a placenta give you super powers? Andrew tells a story of a stinky vagrant who tried to win the JREF Million Dollar Challenge. Cyborg assaulted at French McDonalds.
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• Justin is forced to pledge his allegiance to a one-way Mars mission
• Brandon <3 Rissa •