Robot/Chemical Rehab Teaches Paralyzed Rat to Walk Again
Posted by Justin on June 1st, 2012
In an amazing scientific feat, a paralyzed rat was taught to walk again.
First, Courtine and colleagues injected the rats with a chemical cocktail that binds to dopamine, adrenaline and serotonin receptors on the spinal cord’s neurons. This replaced the neurotransmitters that would normally be released in healthy spinal pathways. A few minutes after priming the neurons, the team stimulated the rats’ spinal cords through electrodes implanted into the spinal canal. This sent electrical signals to the roused neurons. Then the rats needed to be trained to use their limbs again. Within a week of their injuries, the rats were on treadmills, forging new neural connections.
Although a human application for this solution is a long way away, clinical trials are on the horizon.
[Pop Sci]
June 3rd, 2012 at 12:03 am
Curious as to how the rats got injured in the first place. This is cool and I’m not a crazy PETA enthusiast or something… But if they’re literally breaking animals backs to test this; pretty fucked up.