Cartwheels! Shakespeare! Moonwalking! Example Show Is Netflix’s Original Original Content
Posted by Justin on November 30th, 2011
Netflix has made waves with their original programming pickups like House of Cards and Arrested Development, but either will have the honor of being the first original Netflix programming. Example Show is an avant guard tour de force featuring an unnamed protagonist doing gymnastics, running a model train and most notably giving a violent reading of a monologue from William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.
Just search for “Example Show” in Netflix.
Example Show actually a in-house production done by Netflix staff (presumably shot on campus) to test screen resolutions and streaming capabilities for various levels of audio and video fidelity. It’s also awesome.
We recommend everyone add it to their queue and demand a season two.
We’ve posted a poorly screen capped version of Julius Ceasar monologue (capped off by some awesome mouth pops) for those without Netflix. Thanks to Colleen Kelly for tipping us off to this.
Click AFTER THE JUMP to see a massive picture of this dude doing a cartwheel.

November 30th, 2011 at 6:46 pm
Fall on your KNEES!