Podcast: Alien Gun Fetish

Posted by on December 2nd, 2010

weird things podcast SM

Brian and Justin gleefully seek to tear down a forest in favor of a superhighway despite the locals pleas to protect a dangerous secret. Andrew makes everyone nervous with his delight over a new weapon.

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3 Responses to “Podcast: Alien Gun Fetish”

  1. John Hoyt Says:

    So funny… “Does shoot lightning from crotch?” Another great episode.

  2. WTPFan Says:

    Great show guys. I’ve listened to the last 10 or so and this was the best show ever! The “stone cold busted” alien bit between Justin and Brian was hilarious. I should say though, was Andrew in a bad mood this show? He brought it down a bit with his grumpiness over his NASA article and impatience with Justin and Brian’s antics. I know he’s the straight line guy, but lighten up a bit! Anyway, the show is best when the three guys seem to be having fun and for 15 minutes of the show it just got awkward. Otherwise, another great one and thanks.

  3. Thoughtfool Says:

    i haven’t listened to this podcast so i feel fully qualified to say how depraved and disgusting this show is, you will surely burn in hell.

    woa! that was weird. i think i was channeling pat robertson there