Ghosts Say The Dardest Things
Posted by Justin on July 7th, 2009
Recordings reportedly capturing the voices of the dead are nothing new, but we couldn’t help but wonder what some of the oddest things ever uttered via EVP were. We contacted Chris Page, the founder of Ohio Researchers of Banded Spirits to find out:
Most Common: TIED between “Help!” (including derivations ‘help me’ and ‘help us’) and “Get out!”
Chris Says: At times they’ve even gotten mixed messages from a single spot that is particularly packed with paranormal activity. For example it happened once while investigating an insane asylum. “There’s going to be more than one spirit running around,” Chris added. He stopped short of speculating that it might have just been one schizophrenic specter.
Whoops From Beyond The Grave: When asking one spirit how it shuffled this mortal coil, Mike’s team was answered with “accident.”
At Least They Used The Magic Word: Two or three ghosts have requested that the paranormal investigators “please check” into the circumstances of their demise.
Sassiest: While recording in an abondoned Victorian home, investigators asked a spirit if they were one of the maids who worked the residence. The response, “Hell No!”
Chris Says: “It was angry, like ‘how dare you!'”
Trust Me, I’m An Expert: During an investigation of a sprawling home built on an indian burial ground, investigators made their way to library where they recorded the words, “you’ll die.”
Chris Says: A family abandoned this house after hauntings (including visions of floating severed heads and being thrown out of bed by unseen forces) reportedly became too intense to ignore. Mike aded it was the scariest single quote they’ve captured.
Dead Language: Again, at the indian burial ground house, while trolling the grounds recorded a voice saying “Tuebor.” After much researching, the team discovered it meant “I will defend” in Latin.
Blue State: The team has recorded spirits mentioning Presidents Clinton and Roosevelt.
Double Talk: Once asked a group of spirits, “Can you see us?” only to receive the answer “Can you see us?”
Child’s Play: Often while the ghost of child is being investigated, researchers will record “mommy.”
Chris Says: Nothing is creepier than the child spirit recordings.
Thanks to Chris and the Ohio Researchers of Banded Spirits for help with this.
July 8th, 2009 at 12:26 am
Read for a better explanation.
July 8th, 2009 at 1:17 pm
You're right, EVP is not exactly a reliable scientific tool. We are only concerned with relating to you the answers to our goofy questions we asked of the researchers.
After all, we are dealing with sassy spirits and ghosts fluent in Latin, silly was kind of what we were gunning for.
July 8th, 2009 at 6:17 pm
You're right, EVP is not exactly a reliable scientific tool. We are only concerned with relating to you the answers to our goofy questions we asked of the researchers.
After all, we are dealing with sassy spirits and ghosts fluent in Latin, silly was kind of what we were gunning for.