Ghost Hunters Wheel Out The Tanks
Posted by Sean on March 29th, 2009
The remote control tank, designed by Paul Bradford, the co-founder of Sonoran Paranormal Investigations (SPI)
When the ghost hunting going gets tough, it’s time to bring in the big guns. The big guns being the multi-terrain camera or MTC, designed specifically for paranormal investigation. We found an article about it over at Though our mortal movements are limited by pesky obstacles, like walls and floors, ghosts have no such limitations and are able to move freely unhampered by solid objects. Until now, ghost hunters had to give up on their investigations when entities they claimed to be chasing went under houses or in to crawlspaces or attics. Now when a ghost you’re hunting goes where a human can’t follow, you can wheel out this baby and continue the chase.
Unmanned RC Vehicles are all the rage with the police and the military, so why not ghost hunters? This startlingly advanced device comes equipped with an arsenal of high-tech features:
IR Extender/Strobe/Beacon – From the first run Paul found that he required better and clearer illumination in pitch black conditions. In addition to the IR Extender, the light has a setting that turns it into a strobe and has a number of different flashing light patterns.
Camera on/off switch – Originally the camera powered on as soon as a battery was connected, on that basis Paul was losing valuable battery power while the MTC was not in use or waiting.
Flexible Antenna — The original upgrade was a large three foot antenna, which if Paul wanted to use the MTC in a crawl space, he would have limited head room. Therefore he needed something that would cope with limited space.
3V Power Boost (Camera) — This is another camera quality upgrade. Now the camera has the option to run 9V, 10.5V or 12V giving better quality image and a further distance of video feed.
Spring Suspension — Under the camera lens housing is a spring, used to reduce wobble/vibration of the image while the camera is in motion.
Vocal Communication – Built-in is a walkie talkie receiver so that the tank can go into a location and the person monitoring can also attempt to get responses by asking EVP questions.
Turret — Rotates 270 degrees giving the viewer the ability to monitor an entire area while the tank remains in one spot.
Sounds like ghost hunting is getting incredibly sophisticated these days. The question is whether or not the addition of sophisticated technology will help ghost enthusiasts finally prove the existence of these mythical spectres. It certainly makes them look ten times cooler. What will they think of next, ghost hunting UAVs?
July 23rd, 2009 at 8:04 pm
Nice Article, Ill be adding a link to my website
August 4th, 2009 at 7:10 pm
man u people r super smart what does it take to get that way? i want to know!
August 5th, 2009 at 12:10 am
man u people r super smart what does it take to get that way? i want to know!