First Bigfoot Handprint Found?
Posted by Sean on March 23rd, 2009

The Bigfoot Enthusiast Group: Elusive Primates of North America (EPNA) claims that they have found a primate like Handprint on Sand Mountain in Alabama. The discovering group from the Alabama Chapter of the EPNA came across the apparent handprint on an expedition in the Sand Mountain area, where they also heard strange animal noises:
“We heard something that sounded like a really mad cow vocal and then what sounded like a bear vocal,” Spearman said.
When the bear vocal drew closer, Spearman said, “All of a sudden we heard this vocal, like six deep, long, guttural growls. We know we upset what was there. We didn’t physically see anything.
“We did get vocalizations from that area in January as well, but we were unable to identify them. Lo and behold, we were watching Animal Planet and heard a similar vocal. An expert from Texas A&M University said it was an unknown primate with human texture vocalization.”
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If Animal Planet confirmations and primate handprints don’t convince you, then maybe some of the other evidence on the EPNA’s website will win you over. We at are still reluctantly skeptical until more compelling evidence can be found.