Bryce is starting a mailing list–what are best practices and ways he can differentiate it from a blog or podcast? How often is too often and do you treat an all-content mailer different from a marketing mailer? Send your project questions/ideas to, subject line “After Things.”
Tes-yee-haw? Could the Wuhan Coronavirus be our last global pandemic or is viral protection an ever-expanding game? What would you do for nightvision? A setback in space. Got something weird? Email, subject line “Weird Things.”
Brian and Justin have to investigate a string of break-ins. New item alert! How cheap can we get to space and can we do it eco-friendly? And of course, Tha Big Game! Got something weird? Email, subject line “Weird Things.”
Byte AKA Vine 2.0 has launched. What does the short-form video space look like this many years since the death of Vine? Do TikTok’s short-comings make enough of an empty space for Byte? Send your project questions/ideas to, subject line “After Things.”
AI detecting cancer, viral epidemics, and your license plates. Plus, direct your laser eyes toward this new black hole visual. Got something weird? Email, subject line “Weird Things.”
How do you know if you’re “working hard enough?” When is perfect the enemy of good and what do you do when you reach the limits of what you can achieve with infinite time? Sprinting versus marathon style paces. Send your project questions/ideas to, subject line “After Things.”
SpaceX makes a boom…on purpose! Wall-E chairs: good or bad? Cloning voices is becoming commercially available. Got something weird? Email, subject line “Weird Things.”
When should you go “all-in”? Always keep an eye on what your next thing will be. And don’t forget about networking–we certainly do. Be on your behavior because you aren’t invisible. Send your project questions/ideas to, subject line “After Things.”
Disney…at sea?! It wasn’t an impossible idea at the time. A farmer disrupting GPS in China…for what reason? Jim Jackson and Jack Jimson investigate. Got something weird? Email, subject line “Weird Things.”
Brian is starting to write a book. Will his idea of how to write and disseminate it make sense and will he really own it? Can the power of crowdsourcing overcome any of the work on writing a book? Taking an idea and strengthening it with the power of a massive community. Send your project questions/ideas to, subject line “After Things.”
One universe can’t possibly be enough! Can we do experiments across multiple worlds and how would we even be able to interpret the results? Would you want to die in a cataclysmic event? Delivery robots and grocery store Terminators. Wouldn’t be 2020 without my vape! Got something weird? Email, subject line “Weird Things.”
It’s a spoilercast of the final movie in the Star Wars sequel trilogy, The Rise of Skywalker. Send your project questions/ideas to, subject line “After Things.”
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New year, new name. What tech defined the 2010’s? The power of beige in a world of originals. Ten years of data, digital assitants, The Cloud, and more. Plus, our predictions for the next ten years. Got something weird? Email, subject line “Weird Things.”
Weird Things podcast is about ten years old. How were things different back then and what’s changed in how we work? Send your project questions/ideas to, subject line “After Things.”
The next in hair-cutting tech: robot barbers! What’s the most useful haircut in space? Brian guesses the ways to torture birds? Got something weird? Email, subject line “Weird Things.”
Justin’s new “Raise the Dead” podcast came out and charted among news podcasts. How well did it do and where is it now, six days after the first episode? How should he monetize the show as the remaining five episodes come out? Send your project questions/ideas to, subject line “After Things.”