Archive for the ‘Faeries’ Category

“Fairy” Captured Outside Guadalajara

Saturday, August 13th, 2011

Speaking of fairies, one was captured by a guava picker outside Guadalajara. Hundreds of residents have now lined up for hours to pay 20 pesos to see the fairy. And when I say a fairy was captured, I mean a plastic toy was placed in a jar.

“Mexican news agencies were quick to show a “real fairy” that was supposedly found the outskirts of Guadalajara, Mexico. The supposed fairy was found by a 22 year old man who claimed to have captured the creature while picking Guavas. His mother gave an emotional testimony to the cameras, claiming to have had experienced some sort of spiritual awakening.”

[Ghost Theory]

Mummified Faeries Found

Friday, August 12th, 2011

Who knew these delicate dead faeries were hiding on Etsy all along? This is the handiwork of Weird Things reader Jim Transue who hand makes all of these oddities by hand and sells them for those who really want to get a gift for a man who has everything.

Click AFTER THE JUMP for a few more pictures…

