Author Archive
WT: Pork-Barrel Flying Objects
Friday, June 16th, 2023
Coded conspiracy theories and a UFO cold war raging on for decades? Are we in a simulation or not? Got something weird? Email, subject line “Weird Things.”
Andrew: and WWDC 23 Sessions
Justin: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Brian: American Vandal
Bryce: AirPods Pro
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AT: Re-Memory
Sunday, June 11th, 2023
Andrew’s been deep in memory-training and it’s important to remember: memory is fallible! How do false memories begin and who is susceptible? Brian’s DIY method of journaling and next-day planning. Send your project questions/ideas to, subject line “After Things.”
Pick: ChatGPT now on iOS
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WT: Big, Dumb Googly Eyes
Friday, June 9th, 2023
Apple’s Vision Pro was announced this week. What does the first product look like and how do we feel about this vision for the future? Googly eyes, resolution, field of view, and more speculation. . Got something weird? Email, subject line “Weird Things.”
Andrew: The History of the Future from Blake Harris
Justin: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Brian: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Bryce: The Good Nurse
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WT: Fatty Dog-Dog KibbleTMTMTMTM
Friday, June 2nd, 2023
You show this eyeball-looking thing some respect! A neat idea for invasive species. Blue Origin is tapped to make the second-next lunar lander and we debate the worthiness of doing that now. pando pando pando pando. Got something weird? Email, subject line “Weird Things.” [No After Things this week!]
Justin: I Think You Should Leave, season 3
Brian: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
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AT: The Three Whiteboard Problem
Sunday, May 14th, 2023
Bryce jumped on the whiteboard train feet-first and we chat about whiteboards, writing and organizing tasks, habit-building, and getting motivated to start. Send your project questions/ideas to, subject line “After Things.”
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Friday, May 12th, 2023
In a follow-up to last week, we talk a bit about the idea behind hypnosis (stage and therapeutic) and what, if any, effects someone could feel and why. Suggestion, mesmerism, altered states, mesmerism, and a little thing we call “mesmerism.” Got something weird? Email, subject line “Weird Things.” [No After Things this week!]
Andrew: Mind Map Mastery from Tony Buzan
Justin: Grouse House on YouTube
Brian: Aunty Donna’s Coffee Cafe
Bryce: The Diplomat
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WT: Oh, I Remember
Friday, May 5th, 2023
A memory test for the guys and a discussion on memory. How people like the late Harry Lorayne and others keep memories and some discussion on the differences between photographic memory, autobiographical memory, mnemonics, and more. Got something weird? Email, subject line “Weird Things.” [No After Things this week!]
Justin: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
Brian: The Science of Storytelling from Will Storr
Bryce: Disney’s Fastpass from Defunctland
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Sunday, April 30th, 2023
Tips direct from Andrew on how to level up your ChatGPT prompts straight from the robot-horse’s mouth. Easy tips to add more context and style, create outlines, and automate common requests. Send your project questions/ideas to, subject line “After Things.”
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Friday, April 28th, 2023
Starship is likely to miss the end-of-April deadline for the 2-pies bet. What ever happened to Boeing Starliner? Ghostwriting (when the ghost is an artificial intelligence). Got something weird? Email, subject line “Weird Things.”
Andrew: Star Trek: Picard season 3
Justin: Succession
Bryce: Paradise Killer and LFG Marbles on Thursdays
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AT: Long-Term Time
Sunday, April 16th, 2023
Listener David asks for advice on how to portion out time for longer-term projects? Our advice and tips for getting things done with momentum and phases. Send your project questions/ideas to, subject line “After Things.”
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WT: The Revenge of the Cyst
Friday, April 14th, 2023
ULA tests the launch pads as they experience an “explode-y” test launch of the Vulcan Centaur. Airports, seaports, spaceports? PIE ALERT: Starship is on the pad! What would you do-oo-oo for a Klondike (blank)? Got something weird? Email, subject line “Weird Things.”
Andrew: Space Ice on YouTube and Harry Lorayne
Justin: Aunty Donna’s Coffee Cafe
Brian: Nobody’s Fool from Daniel Simons and Christopher Chabris
Bryce: Learning “Mathcore?” w/ The Callous Daoboys on Modern Rogue
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AT: It Just Might Be…
Sunday, April 9th, 2023
Professional podcasters Justin and Brian give some dirt on the upcoming third season of World’s Greatest Con and talk openly about their vantage point on ads in the podcasting space. Send your project questions/ideas to, subject line “After Things.”
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Saturday, April 8th, 2023
Manimal and actors jumping between comedy and action. Call Samantha? It’s a living! The Starship bet is updated and it’s double-or-nothing time! Got something weird? Email, subject line “Weird Things.”
Andrew: Chaos on the Bridge and What We Left Behind: Looking Back at Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Dave Not Coming Back
Brian: Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
Bryce: World’s Greatest Con S3
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AT: Leak-Free Guarantee?
Sunday, March 26th, 2023
Brian’s hodge-podge to-do system led to catastrophe. Smart devices and “accessing the home network.” An update on Andrew’s experience using Tonal, the home-gym installed on a wall. Send your project questions/ideas to, subject line “After Things.”
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WT: My Little Tax Adjuster
Friday, March 24th, 2023
More ChatGPT discussion as a new Plugins feature enables a chatbot to make reservations and do scientific calculations. Got something weird? Email, subject line “Weird Things.”
Andrew: ScreenPix and Riley Brown AI
Justin: Atlanta
Brian: Pinball
Bryce: Lucky Hank
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