Asteroid that Killed Dinosaurs Also Seeded the Universe with Life
Posted by Justin on April 12th, 2012
The big rock from the sky that crashed into Earth and proved an extinction level event for our dinosaur pals could also seed life on a far off planet. The meteorites launched into space by the impact carrying the ingredients for life itself have since spread across our solar system and far beyond.
A new table estimating the trajectories of the rocks provides many surprises, according to Ray Kurzweil’s blog. For example, it would take a trillion years for the Earth ejecta to spread the size of the Milky Way.
But most awesomely…
The probability is almost 1 (close to certain) that our solar system is visited by microorganisms that originated outside our solar system.
To tie this together with a post yesterday, this means that our ejecta could bring life to other planets and some point there might be a scientist there warning of our fearsome existence. Yes, my friends, WE ARE THE SUPER GENIUS SPACE DINOSAURS!
April 12th, 2012 at 9:13 pm
Sadly, those extrasolar microorganisms are space herpes, galactic syphillis, and Justin Bieber.