And Then There Was The Time They Sold Golf Balls With a Radioactive Core
Posted by Ryan on December 21st, 2011This one is going straight on my “Do Not Want” list. Apparently, back in the good old days of 1910, the Worthington Golf Ball Company produced golf balls with a radium-laced core. Known as the “Ball of Mystery that never loses life or shape due to its inherent radioactive properties”, this bad boy was supposed to travel farther than the competition. Check out the original advertisement.
“I have not found any company literature that specifically states that the ball contained radium but an advertisement (see below) in the May 17, 1918 issue of the New York Tribune quotes “one of the greatest of American Golfers” as saying that the ball had “what is known as a radium center.”
An analysis by gamma spectroscopy clearly shows that it does indeed contain radium: approximately 150 Bq (4 nCi).”
[Oak Ridge Associated Universities via Improbable Research]
December 21st, 2011 at 3:07 pm
Maybe if the CIA had replaced Kim Jong Il’s ball with an exploding one of these back when he was shooting 9 holes-in-one we would have been rid of him much sooner.