Guatemalan Sinkhole Opens Under Bed

Posted by on July 21st, 2011

Another sinkhole has opened in Guatemala, right under a woman’s bed. While she was sleeping. The sound of a gateway to hell being opened under her bed is what woke her up.

About a million things are terrifying about this. A few feet to the side and poor Inocenta might have plunged into the sinkhole as she stepped out of bed. A few feet wider and it could have swallowed her whole bed. Or just the fact that in Guatemala, you could be walking down the street or eating at a nice restaurant one moment and find yourself devoured by the earth the next.


2 Responses to “Guatemalan Sinkhole Opens Under Bed”

  1. EbonNebula Says:

    Two questions come to mind: WTF is going on in Guatemala? And where’s the Doctor when you need him?

  2. Joseph Says:

    It’s the front line of the war against the Molemen.