Have Scientists Found First Ever Proof Of Ejected Black Hole?
Posted by Justin on May 7th, 2010Probably not, but maybe!
A mystery object in a galaxy far, far away could be a supermassive black hole that got booted from its home galaxy’s center, according to a new study.
Then again, the strange body could be a rare type of supernova or an oddball “midsize” black hole—more massive than black holes born when single stars explode but “lighter” than the supermassive ones at the centers of galaxies.
“All three of those [options] are exotic and have something peculiar to them,” said study co-author Peter Jonker, an astronomer with the Netherlands Institute for Space Research in Utrecht.
Guess which option we’re rooting for? I’ll give you a hint, the site isn’t “Moderately Surprising Things.com”. I believe in the ejected!