Bizarro version of Disneyland
Posted by Andrew on April 12th, 2008
Exactly whose dream is Nara Dreamland in Japan? The now closed park has its own princess castle, Matterhorn ride, Jungle Cruise and many other eerily similar versions of famous Disney attractions. It's also got a building covered in swastikas.
Two intrepid tourists visit it before it closed (or was it already closed!).
A brochure for the park (in Japanese).
Google maps satellite view.
Beetasalpaajalääkitystä ei siis pidä keskeyttää äkillisesti, vaan minunaptekki sen on tapahduttava vähitellen päivien, jopa viikkojen kuluessa. Elämää ei voi täysin hallita, mutta me voimme vaikuttaa omiin tekoihimme, valintoihimme ja omiin tunteisiimme.